Tag: ISP

  • Tarif Makin Murah, Layanan Makin Parah?

    Beberapa minggu ini, saya mengalami cukup banyak masalah yang terjadi menyangkut sarana komunikasi telepon selular. Memang di berbagai media promosi tentang persaingan tarif antar operator layanan komunikasi makin gencar, tapi kok sepertinya makin gencar pula masalahnya ya? Saya pengguna kartu prabayar Pro XL, sampai saat ini belum tertarik untuk pindah ke provider lain, karena alasan…

  • Modifying WordPress custom database error connection page

    Reading what Derek Punsalan mentioned about custom error database connection page, his updated tutorial is very interesting. I mean, we (actually) can modify that error page into something better. In short, to have a custom page for database connection error page, just create a file called db-error.php and put it under your /wp-content/ directory. That’s…

  • Berkurang satu pohon mangga

    Di rumah tempat saya tinggal, ada beberapa pohon yang cukup besar dan produktif. Dulu ada pohon sawo, rambutan, duku, cengkeh, nangka, kelapa gading dan beberapa lainnya. Kalau tidak salah pohon sawo dan dulu tersebut usianya malah lebih tua dari saya, tapi dulu masih produktif. Beberapa pohon akhirnya ditebang. Pohon sawo yang cukup besar — dulu…

  • Why no emoticons in this site?

    I am not a fan of emoticon. But, I am fine if I see smilies used in websites, blogs, or discussion forums. Nowadays, smilies/emoticons are widely used by many web applications, etc; and I have to confest that I do not know each of them, do you? Okey, what’s emoticon anyway? According to Wikipedia: an…

  • Busy days, lightning and grid

    This months, I have some works to do. That made me a little bit busy. I have a pending project right now, well.. actually, it’s my friend’s part to do the work. But, I hope we can finish it right away — this week. Last week, I also made some designs for a client. I…

  • SimplePie Updates

    Last week, Geoffrey Sneddon of SimplePie planned to leave his role developing SimplePie. As a reminder, SimplePie is a code library (written in PHP) that can be use to do creative things using RSS and Atom feeds.

  • FAlbum and Flickr Photo Album plugins for WordPress

    When I started to my other blog powered by WordPress, I wanted to have a section to display my Flickr photos. I decided to use FAlbum plugin.

  • WordPress Yahoo! Shortcuts Plugin for Super Blog Post

    Yahoo! Shortcuts Team and Crowd Favorite released a WordPress plugin called Yahoo! Shortcuts for WordPress. It’s a plugin that intelligently enriches your blog post with great content from Yahoo! Maps, Finance, and beyond.

  • Handling error when WordPress plugin functions are not available

    If we share our theme (someone uses our theme), and his/her WordPress installation does not have Gravatar plugin installed, the theme might be broken. There will be an error. Single page (where the gravatar/comment should appear) will stop loading. Why? Because there is a Gravatar plugin tag/function, but the plugin is not available.

  • Modify WordPress MU suspended/archived page

    How to change the message for the archived, or deactivated page in WordPress MU?

  • Dashboard Editor Plugin for WordPress

    Before Dashboard Editor plugin released, we can remove the WordPress Development Blog and Planet WordPress entries by modifying the core file. Now, you can modify it easily.

  • Listed in seach engines because we blog

    Weblog can put nobody into somebody (on the internet). And I am sure that many bloggers had tried their luck to find their position on search engines. I am curious about checking my name on search engines. I tried it.