Listed in seach engines because we blog

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If we run a weblog, one information that we usually display is our name. I am not talking about those who hide their personal identities — especially real name. It is optional to display about the blog author information. Few days ago, Harry Sufehmi mentioned about his finding on search using his name as the keyword. And he — when I write this entry — is on the top position.
It is interesting. Weblog can put nobody into somebody (on the internet). And I am sure that many bloggers had tried their luck to find their position on search engines. Here are some blog entries mentioning about their findings:

If you follow the discussion on those entries, you will see more interesting search results. And, I am sure that’s because of blog. When I had a discussion or questions about how to be on the search engines, my first recommendation is: get a blog!
Some similar phenomena about how blogs can bring information online is when we tried to search for a certain topic, the search engines will give information from blogs. Try to search about a company reputation, or product reviews. Many blogs will be ‘there’.
I am curious about checking my name on search engines. I tried it, and I got these results:

Well, it is probably only for fun. But for me, I learn something about “how to get listed in search engines”.


13 responses to “Listed in seach engines because we blog”

  1. To my knowledge, Google also prioritize blog over other kind of websites. So if you have a normal website but your friend has a blog, then your friend will have better chance of showing up on Google.
    btw; wow that’s some tough competition there :D I competes only with 180,000,000 other Harrys on Google.

  2. Kemas had written the similar matter thought 3 years ago.
    And I remember that you have also commented there.
    catatan : jika sekarang baru ngetrend apa gak basbang , meniru istilah anak – anak id-gmail .

  3. I don’t think Google prioritize blog over other kind of websites. Better explanation, IMHO, is that blog had gained much inbound and outbound link than any other kind of websites (because of its social behavior). Google tend to give higher page rank to website which had much linked by another site.

  4. You know, being the first makes me feel guilty. When people search “kuncoro” I know most of them try to find out the famous sociolog (cmiiw) Mudrajat Kuncoro or the athlete Sony Kuncoro. When they found my site (only an almost useless blog) after clicking “I’m feeling lucky” — I know they would feel unlucky. Hmm, otoh, I won’t feel so guilty about “koen” :).

  5. And I must say I agree with Kusaeni. It is totally basbang :D :D. No offense, sorry :).

  6. Saya kira, bukan karena blog kita berada di urutan 1. Saya setuju dengan Dhani (#3).
    Lihat saja, saya tidak mem-blog tetapi ketika saya melakukan pencarian pada dengan keyword “gage”, hasilnya:
    – urutan 4 dari sekitar 45,900,000 (merujuk pada, padahal saya tidak mem-blog dan tidak menggunakan mesin blog).
    – urutan 8 dari sekitar 45,900,000 (merujuk pada, sekali lagi saya tidak mem-blog dan tidak menggunakan mesin blog).
    Mungkin saya bisa simpulkan, mesin pencari tidak mencari “blogger” tetapi mencari informasi dengan struktur informasi yg benar. Dan kebetulan mesin-mesin blog sekarang memiliki struktur informasi yg benar.

  7. Kus, I know, it is probably an old topic. If we’re talking about “this” topic, I think there is no “basbang” here.. ;)
    Dhani and Gage, I have to agree with you. Probably, it is not directly related to blog, but the characteristics of blog (correct semantics, its technology, and contents) will help the information presented get indexed easier by search engines.
    And, outgoing and incoming links count, I think.

    Urutan 1 – 10 dari sekitar 275,000 hasil penelusuran untuk jauhari. (0.12 detik)
    Peringkat 1 – 6
    Results 1 – 10 of about 277,000 for jauhari. (0.22 seconds)
    Peringkat 1 – 4
    Tanya Kenapa?

  9. I’m still trying to beat Viking in for “Web Designer Jakarta” keyword. *LOL*
    In I fall to #7 :(
    But in I win over Viking
    Viking, ayo kita maen Google lagi..hehehe :D.

  10. Yes there is no Basbang here, but I thougth you wrote this article because Harry Sufehmy did that.
    If someone else , outta here , without a power, without a famous label, and will be stamped by (basbang) a ridicolous act, if they wrote an article like this.
    Because that. Its clear for every one to see.
    Keep your creativity man, dont be follower, must be leader. – if you’re sunsilk costumer, you will 100% understand about this manifest.
    —- provokator ——
    This is my one peny opinion about your article, not to attacking , just for sharing
    —- propaganda —–

  11. saya malah udah menghapus link ke blog saya dari google.
    lagian saya pikir ngga akan ada yg cari saya di google :P

  12. What’s with this “basbang” labeling ?
    There are 5 billions people on earth. Imagine if all of them are leaders. (that’s right – chaos)
    Followers are important too. After a few incidents, I’ve come to understand that without follower, a leader can do nothing.
    This just happened again to me – I’m looking to open a new business unit. I’ve got everything else – money, equipment, customer eager to be served by this new unit, etc — except for one thing, the employee (eg: follower) which will follow my lead and make this unit a commercial success.
    For 3 months, I was not able to do anything.
    Hurray for followers! :)