Tag: Internet

  • Password is like…

    You have heard many advices from the internet about password. About making a strong and good password, advice to change the password regularly, etc. About this password-thingy, I found an interesting note about password: Password is like a toothbrush — choose a good one and don’t share it. Anyway, found this on a post by…

  • Google Reader Problems

    Today, I had problem opening Google Reader. I am not sure what caused it, because I did nothing unusual using my laptop. I noticed that it happened after I had Google Chrome installed. But, I am NOT saying that Google Chrome caused this issue. Not sure about this (Thanks Yogi for the correction). The problem…

  • Google Chrome Download and Install: First Impression

    When I heard about Google Chrome, I was very curious and really wanted to try it. Now, it’s available for download. I could not stop comparing Google Chrome with other browsers installed. Of course, I found that Mozilla Firefox and Opera are way much better than the first release of Google Chrome, at least right…

  • Pushup: Encourage others to upgrade their browsers

    I just added some Javascript file and CSS in this blog. You probably will notice them, or not. You will not see something different in this page if you’re using an updated internet browser. But, if you’re still using old browsers, you should see a notification — it’s on the upper right of the browser…

  • Jasa tebang pohon

    Hari ini iseng melihat statistik pengunjung, ternyata ada yang datang ke situs ini dari pencarian melalui mesin pencari melalui kata kunci “jasa tebang pohon”. Apakah sebentar lagi memang akan jasa penebangan pohon yang beriklan melalui internet? Atau ada situs yang menyediakan informasi tentang jenis jasa tersebut? Mungkin saja…

  • WordPress.com is Gears-enabled now

    If you’re using WordPress.com service, you probably notice that there is a new link in the upper right of dashboard navigation. It says “Turbo“. This is a new feature offered by WordPress.com, telling that WordPress.com is Google Gears-friendly website. In my other blog (using WordPress from SubVersion), I already enabled this. And, I can take…

  • Internet Browser Memory Battle

    I have some internet browsers installed in my PC and laptop like Opera, Firefox, Flock, Safari (for Windows) and also Internet Explorer. For my OpenSUSE and Ubuntu, I only have Firefox and Opera. Among those, I only use two browsers regularly. For the other, I only use it for web development purposes. Even I —…

  • WordPress 2.6 Features

    The coming WordPress 2.6 (scheduled to be released on August 7th, 2008, or July 7th, 2008) will have more features. Most of you probably heard that about the probably-most-well-known Post Revisions feature. But, there are some other features that should be highlighted. Here are some of them I find (using WordPress from SVN, revision 8094):…

  • Some Opera Features I Don't Use

    Even Opera offeres many features to get the most from a web browser, I do not use all of them on my daily basis. Sometime, I do not use them at all. This is similar to other technologies like mobile phone. There are many features, but usually, we do not use them all even they’re…

  • Some glossaries related to webhosting

    When we jump in to the internet life, like or not, we deal with many new vocabularies. We get new words like email, attachment, domain, and also webhosting. If we deal with blogging world, sometime we see other complicated words to understand like webhosting, dedicated server, virtual private servers, etc. It’s a good thing if…

  • Tarif Makin Murah, Layanan Makin Parah?

    Beberapa minggu ini, saya mengalami cukup banyak masalah yang terjadi menyangkut sarana komunikasi telepon selular. Memang di berbagai media promosi tentang persaingan tarif antar operator layanan komunikasi makin gencar, tapi kok sepertinya makin gencar pula masalahnya ya? Saya pengguna kartu prabayar Pro XL, sampai saat ini belum tertarik untuk pindah ke provider lain, karena alasan…

  • Telkom blocked more sites

    A sad news for people in Indonesia who use internet, including bloggers. Few days ago, some people reported that YouTube was blocked from their internet providers. Telkom Indonesia as the largest internet provider in Indonesia followed the action. According to the news release (in Bahasa Indonesia) Telkom blocked these following sites (including blogging service providers):…

  • Berkurang satu pohon mangga

    Di rumah tempat saya tinggal, ada beberapa pohon yang cukup besar dan produktif. Dulu ada pohon sawo, rambutan, duku, cengkeh, nangka, kelapa gading dan beberapa lainnya. Kalau tidak salah pohon sawo dan dulu tersebut usianya malah lebih tua dari saya, tapi dulu masih produktif. Beberapa pohon akhirnya ditebang. Pohon sawo yang cukup besar — dulu…