Tag: market

  • Jalan-jalan dan Nonton Bareng Transformers 3 di Hong Kong Bersama simPATI

    Jalan-jalan dan Nonton Bareng Transformers 3 di Hong Kong Bersama simPATI

    Minggu lalu, tanggal 7-10 Juli 2011, saya berkesempatan untuk ikut jalan-jalan ke Hong Kong dalam rangkaian acara nonton bareng Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon. Acara ini diadakan oleh simPATI dengan mengajak beberapa narablog, jurnalis, pemenang kuis, termasuk juga beberapa pengguna media sosial. Tulisan ini adalah tulisan pertama, dan saya akan coba sampaikan secara garis…

  • Serabi Solo

    Last few weeks ago, I went to my relative’s house in Karanganyar. I had a chance to visit Solo City for about two hours before leaving this city to Jogjakarta. Wihout any plans, I stopped at Klewer Market (one of the biggest traditional markets in Solo City) and tried Serabi Solo. Solo is famous for…

  • Digital influencers

    Are digital influencers selling out to Mammon? by Ong Hock Chuan Moreover, many of these activities and campaigns are sporadic and are not part of an overarching strategy to engage their audiences. At some point, their audiences will turn away because these marketers and their brands fail to realise a truism of new media: that…

  • Facebook and Friendster in Indonesia

    I feel that more people added me as their Facebook contact list these days. And, many of them already added me to other social network site: Friendster. I joined both sites, but I almost never use Friendster in the last few months. I found that Friendster is too boring. I know, it might because I…

  • Track Current Stock Information in Google Spreadsheet

    I am not a person who got affected when there are major stock changes in the market. But, for those who need to track the stock information growth — and also use Google Spreadsheet, this is probably useful. Anyway, this will retrieve data from Google Finance. There is a tutorial about tracking stocks in Google…

  • Marketing and Religion

    Hermawan Kartajaya on marketing. I am a marketer, but also a Catholic. From my opinion, marketing has been used unwisely in promoting religions. Marketing should not be used to promote the church, but deeper than that, it should be used to “market” the good values found in a religion. The values of goodwill, helping others,…

  • 2000000000

    Look at the photo below: It’s a shot of a gum tree taken in front of Market City in Chinatown Haymarket in Sydney. This wonderful photo was taken by yukesmooks. And you know what, this is two billionth photo uploaded to Flickr. Lala and I only contribute less than 200 photos for Flickr so far.…

  • 6S Marketing Visits Google

    6S Marketing Visits Google.

  • It is more about attitude

    I know, everybody needs money. Eveybody has right to run a business. But for this case (network marketing, Multi Level Marketing, or what ever you call it), I am not interested in this.