Month: April 2008

  • PunBB 1.3 Beta Preview

    For all PunBB fans, PunBB 1.3 beta is already available. Few days ago, I download the beta release, did a fresh install, and I believe that the coming 1.3 will be MUCH better. Currently, the latest stable release is PunBB 1.2.17 (released on February 19th, 2008). Here is a screenshot: So, what’s new? Here are…

  • Oh My Grid, free WordPress Theme

    Today, I released a WordPress theme. This theme is called Oh My Grid. I designed this theme based on theme I use for my blog. If you run WordPress 2.5, you should find no problems — if you found one, let me know so that I can fix it. For more detail, go to Oh…

  • Some notes about 21Cineplex website

    Before going to theaters for a movie, I checked the schedule first. And I want to get the information about the movies — their schedules — I go to It’s informative, but I found annoyance there. I can’t bookmark a theater page. Whenever I want to go directly to a theater page, it takes…

  • Image styling in blog entry

    When we write an article in our blog, sometime we insert images/photos to support our article. And this can be done easily, no matter what blogging platform we use. For example, using WordPress we can upload image using uploader tool, and with few clicks the image will go to entry editing screen. For better formatting…

  • Some glossaries related to webhosting

    When we jump in to the internet life, like or not, we deal with many new vocabularies. We get new words like email, attachment, domain, and also webhosting. If we deal with blogging world, sometime we see other complicated words to understand like webhosting, dedicated server, virtual private servers, etc. It’s a good thing if…

  • Tarif Makin Murah, Layanan Makin Parah?

    Beberapa minggu ini, saya mengalami cukup banyak masalah yang terjadi menyangkut sarana komunikasi telepon selular. Memang di berbagai media promosi tentang persaingan tarif antar operator layanan komunikasi makin gencar, tapi kok sepertinya makin gencar pula masalahnya ya? Saya pengguna kartu prabayar Pro XL, sampai saat ini belum tertarik untuk pindah ke provider lain, karena alasan…

  • UU ITE untuk siapa?

    Henry Subiakto (Staf Ahli Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika (Menkominfo) tentang UU ITE “Dalam pasal itu tidak mengatur pers. Jurnalis kan tetap punyak hak menyebarluaskan informasi. Tapi bagi yang tak punya hak dan informasinya bermasalah maka itu yang diatur. Misalnya blogger diatur dalam UU ini”

  • Telkom blocked more sites

    A sad news for people in Indonesia who use internet, including bloggers. Few days ago, some people reported that YouTube was blocked from their internet providers. Telkom Indonesia as the largest internet provider in Indonesia followed the action. According to the news release (in Bahasa Indonesia) Telkom blocked these following sites (including blogging service providers):…

  • Pimp your WordPress 2.5 Dashboard

    One of the gret improvements offered by WordPress 2.5 is on the dashboard interface. Collaborating with Happy Cog studio, WordPress offers some great improvements. One of them is about managable widgets for dashboard. It means, we can manage what kind of ‘widgets’ should be presented on the dashboard.

  • Modifying WordPress custom database error connection page

    Reading what Derek Punsalan mentioned about custom error database connection page, his updated tutorial is very interesting. I mean, we (actually) can modify that error page into something better. In short, to have a custom page for database connection error page, just create a file called db-error.php and put it under your /wp-content/ directory. That’s…