Tag: service

  • Why WhatsApp doesn't sell ads

    WhatsApp: Why we don’t sell ads When we sat down to start our own thing together three years ago we wanted to make something that wasn’t just another ad clearinghouse. We wanted to spend our time building a service people wanted to use because it worked and saved them money and made their lives better…

  • Instaport

    Instaport — “A simple way to export all your Instagram photos to other social services or your local hard drive. Instaport is a simple way to export or backup all your Instagram photos by downloading a single zip file. You can then use it in combination with Google+, Facebook or any other (photo) application.”

  • Google is now indexing Facebook Comments (AJAX/Iframe)

    One reason why people avoid using Javascript or iframe is regarding the search engine optimization. Contents presented in Javascript or iframe is not good for search engine, and Google is one of them. But, recently, there is an update from Google about how Google indexes contents presented using these ways (using AJAX/iframe). Google’s Matt Cutts…

  • Global Smartphone Vendor Shipments (October 2011)

    According to Strategy Analytics, Samsung is now the biggest smartphone dealer in the world. “Global smartphone shipments grew 44 percent annually to reach a record 117 million units in Q3 2011. Samsung shipped 28 million smartphones and overtook Apple to become the world’s largest smartphone vendor by volume with 24 percent market share. Samsung’s rise…

  • Sample Photos: Here are picplz filters in action

    Instagram got its popularity these days. It’s exclussively available only for Phone, iPad, and iPod touch users. Just to remind you, Instagram got its 150,000,000 photos uploaded to the service last August. Also, Klout made Instagram as one of the Klout score factors. There are some similar services offer what Instagram offers, for example Streamzoo,…

  • I don't send Instagram photos to Flickr automatically. Why?

    I like taking photos using my iPhone 4 and send them to Instagram. At the same time, I also like Flickr. iPhone 4, Nokia N8, and Flickr should be a great combination. Both Instagram and Flickr have their good and bad. And, I think both services can not be compared. Each service has its own…

  • Klout Adds Five New Networks

    If you like to analyze influence using a service called Klout — or, you like to analyze your own Klout score — this might be a good news. Klout just added five new services to build (hopefully) better scoring. You can now add services like Tumblr, Instagram, Blogger.com, Flickr and Last.fm.The additional services try to…

  • Instagram now received more than 150,000,000 photos!

    Instagram announced another milestone yesterday on their blog: Today, we’re excited to announce that more than 150 million photos have been shared on Instagram and Instagrammers now share photos with one another at a rate of 15 photos per second. And, it only took less than a year to hit that impressive statistics! And, I…