Google is now indexing Facebook Comments (AJAX/Iframe)

One reason why people avoid using Javascript or iframe is regarding the search engine optimization. Contents presented in Javascript or iframe is not good for search engine, and Google is one of them. But, recently, there is an update from Google about how Google indexes contents presented using these ways (using AJAX/iframe).
Google’s Matt Cutts confirmed:

Amit Agarwal ( has some an example about  how Google indexing Facebook Comments at Techcrunch. Facebook Comments is an example. There are some other commenting services like Disqus (I use Disqus for my blog) or Intense Debate. Great.


3 responses to “Google is now indexing Facebook Comments (AJAX/Iframe)”

  1. btw, I just try phantomjs… and this js server can scraping like google indexing the ajax and iframe analogi :D

  2. Absolutely wonderful article. I wonder what will ever become of mankind. Seems like that quick and resourceful will outlive all of our smart people :) and thanks for posted!

  3. I need a javascript that can take a form submission and change the url that is display in an iframe.