Tag: ISP

  • Let's talk about the (new) Yahoo's email service

    Recently, Yahoo redesigned its mail service again. I’ve talked about Yahoo Mail last August. I hoped for an improvements. Recently, on its 16th birthday, Yahoo gives a new look for its mail service. Quoting from a release published at Yahoo’s blog: We redesigned Yahoo Mail to be more efficient, too. Things you do all of…

  • Mengatur penyimpanan berkas di laptop

    Salah satu kebiasaan saya terkait dengan penyimpanan berkas (di komputer)  adalah bahwa saya jarang menghapusnya. Saya — dan mungkin banyak orang juga — melakukan penyimpanan di beragam layanan atau metoda  yang umum. Misalnya foto disimpan di layanan seperti Flickr, Instagram, atau bahkan Facebook. Berkas pekerjaan disimpan di Dropbox, atau Evernote untuk catatan-catatan lainnya. Karena kebiasaan…

  • Going with MacBook Pro with Retina Display

    This month, I finally decided to buy myself a new MacBook. And, I chose MacBook with Retina display (15-inch model). It was not an easy decision for some reasons. The first reason is that it’s pretty cheap (compared to the other laptops in the market). The second one was about a decision whether I need…

  • Ulasan Apple iPhone 5

    Minggu lalu, saya berkesempatan untuk memiliki iPhone 5. Seminggu terakhir ini, saya mecoba untuk selalu menggunakan iPhone 5 dalam aktivitas sehari-hari, menggantikan iPhone 4 milik saya sebelumnya. Dan, saatnya menuliskan sedikit ulasan mengenai iPhone 5 ini. Oh ya, ulasan ini merupakan pendapat pribadi saya, sebagai salah satu pengguna produk Apple — disamping beberapa produk lain…

  • The Verge: MacBook Pro with Retina Display

    The Verge on MacBook Pro with Retina Display. Regardless of your feelings towards Apple generally or the new generation MacBook Pro with Retina display specifically, it’s more or less a certainty that laptops all over are about to make a strong push for high-resolution displays. And that’s good for everyone involved — not only does…

  • I don't send Instagram photos to Flickr automatically. Why?

    I like taking photos using my iPhone 4 and send them to Instagram. At the same time, I also like Flickr. iPhone 4, Nokia N8, and Flickr should be a great combination. Both Instagram and Flickr have their good and bad. And, I think both services can not be compared. Each service has its own…

  • Melihat Hong Kong

    Ketika mengikuti acara Friday Movie Mania yang diadakan oleh simPATI awal bulan Juli ini, terus terang diawal saya tidak tahu banyak tentang Hong Kong. Bahkan, bisa dikatakan saya tidak mencoba mencari tahu tentang Hong Kong sebelum keberangkatan. Ya, paling tidak perjalanan kali ini bisa dikatakan lebih santai — terlepas dari jadwal yang sebenarnya lumayan padat.…

  • Floating CSS menu on YouTube Flash Videos

    I currently involve in a website project that put videos as its primary contents. My involvement is not primary on the design. I’m just helping a little. What I like from the process is to find solution. One of the problem is on the navigation menu. It’s very common to have navigation with sub-menus. Without…