Tag: video

  • Ulasan Apple iPhone 5

    Minggu lalu, saya berkesempatan untuk memiliki iPhone 5. Seminggu terakhir ini, saya mecoba untuk selalu menggunakan iPhone 5 dalam aktivitas sehari-hari, menggantikan iPhone 4 milik saya sebelumnya. Dan, saatnya menuliskan sedikit ulasan mengenai iPhone 5 ini. Oh ya, ulasan ini merupakan pendapat pribadi saya, sebagai salah satu pengguna produk Apple — disamping beberapa produk lain…

  • Alasan mengapa saya ingin punya iPhone 5

    iPhone 5. Ya, saya ingin memilikinya. iPhone bukanlah produk pertama kali dari Apple yang saya miliki. Produk pertama yang saya beli adalah sebuah MacBook Pro pada Agustus 2010 lalu. Kecintaan saya pada produk Apple mulai muncul ketika saya menggunakannya sehari-hari. Saya merasa bahwa produktivitas saya semakin bertambah, beban di pundak juga semakin ringan karena MacBook…

  • Welcome, YouTube Indonesia!

    Isn’t nice when YouTube Official blog post an article using Bahasa Indonesia for its subject? Well, I know… it’s only a title. Yes, YouTube just announced that they launched its new domain for Indonesia. It’s youtube.co.id. If you open youtube.co.id on your browser, you will be redirected to http://www.youtube.com/?gl=ID&hl=id So, is it only a matter of having…

  • Peluncuran Nokia Lumia 800 di Singapura (Bagian 2)

    Ini adalah lanjutan dari tulisan saya sebelumnya. Acara utama memang datang ke acara peluncuran ponsel Nokia Lumia 800. Tentang kenapa malah banyak cerita diluar itu, ya karena memang acara berlangsung lebih singkat dari semua rangkaian perjalanan (termasuk jalan-jalan) ke Singapura. :) Mungkin karena lokasi tempat menginap yang tidak terlalu jauh, perjalanan menuju Clarke Quay (lokasi…

  • Nokia N9 Sample Photos

    I love photography. After using some different cameras (DSLR and phone camera), I think  this year I spend more time using mobile phone, not the DSLR. Sometime, I almost forgot that I still have Canon 450D. After having Nokia N9 in my hands, I wanted to test its camera features, just like what I did…

  • 6th Grader iPhone Application Developer

    I like watching TED Talk videos, including lots videos from TEDx. Recently, I stumbled across a video by Thomas Suarez from TEDxManhattanBeach event. From the video description: Thomas Suarez is a 6th grade student at a middle school in the South Bay. Tom been fascinated by computers and technology since before kindergarten. Recently, he’s been…

  • Nokia N9: Swipe demo

    Yesterday, I created a simple video about my Nokia N9. In this video you can see how the swipe works (switching between home screens — there are: Events, Applications, and Open Applications). You can also watch the User Interface. Do you think it’s easy to use? I think it is.

  • Google Wallet in action


  • iTunes 10.5, iCloud, and iOS 5

    I’m waiting for iOS 5! It should be arrived today and I can’t wait to download it. When I watched Apple Special Event (October 2011) last week, there were many information about iOS features that I want to have. It is said that there are more than 200 new features in this release. From the…

  • YouTube's Black/Dark Player

    Last year, YouTube introduced its new video player design, and I decided to use it before it was released for public. Now, YouTube has another new player design. This time, it’s dark. The next question is: Do you like it? Do I like it? The dark element can add more contrast, but when I want…

  • Nokia Gulp: The World's Largest Stop-Motion Animation Set using Nokia N8

    I’m happy with my Nokia N8. For photo and video features, I don’t use many advanced techniques. And, I have some videos published at Dadio.TV using Nokia N8, so far I’m happy with the result. You can see more than 700 photos I took using Nokia N8 at Flickr. If you want to see an…

  • Floating CSS menu on YouTube Flash Videos

    I currently involve in a website project that put videos as its primary contents. My involvement is not primary on the design. I’m just helping a little. What I like from the process is to find solution. One of the problem is on the navigation menu. It’s very common to have navigation with sub-menus. Without…

  • Serabi Solo

    Last few weeks ago, I went to my relative’s house in Karanganyar. I had a chance to visit Solo City for about two hours before leaving this city to Jogjakarta. Wihout any plans, I stopped at Klewer Market (one of the biggest traditional markets in Solo City) and tried Serabi Solo. Solo is famous for…