Tag: security

  • Aplikasi 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) Pilihan

    Untuk beberapa layanan daring yang saya gunakan, hampir semua saya mengaktifkan fitur 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) atau autentikasi dua faktor. Alasannya cukup sederhana: untuk menambah sedikit lapisan keamanan. Alih-alih hanya menggunakan kombinasi username dan sandi, ketika kombinasi autentikasi sudah dapat digunakan, saya perlu memasukkan kode autentikasi. Ribet? Mungkin iya. Tapi, sebenarnya tidak ribet juga. Untuk urusan…

  • Fourth year: LastPass

    This month, I renewed my LastPass subscription for the next twelve months. This time, LastPass does not increase its subscription price. It’s still US$36/year. I am still pretty happy with it. I was thinking of cheaper solution that offers similar features, but for know, I could not find one. So, let’s stick to it for…

  • Third year: LastPass

    I started using LastPass for my password manager application in March 2017. So, this year, it’s my third year now. Before LastPass, I used 1Password. I didn’t remember the exact reasons why I switched to LassPass, but I think it was about the integration with applications in mobile devices. I am satisfied with LassPass features.…

  • Pengalaman Membuka dan Menutup Deposito Online BNI

    Saya lupa kapan kali pertama saya membuka rekening deposito di BNI, mungkin sekitar dua tahun lalu, atau lebih. Cuma satu hal yang saya ingat adalah bahwa saya melakukannya secara daring (online). Dan, prosesnya sangat sederhana. Membuka Rekening Deposito BNI Seluruh proses saya lakukan melalui halaman internet banking BNI dan tidak terlalu bertele-tele. Sebelum membuka rekening…

  • Switch to Letsencrypt

    Since my Comodo PositiveSSL Certificate for this blog is about to expired, I decided to switch to Let’s Encrypt. The implementation was easy. I was refering to DigitalOcean‘s community tutorial: How To Secure Nginx with Let’s Encrypt on Ubuntu 16.04.

  • Heardbleed

    The Heartbleed Bug — It is a serious vulnerability in the popular OpenSSL cryptographic software library. This weakness allows stealing the information protected, under normal conditions, by the SSL/TLS encryption used to secure the Internet. SSL/TLS provides communication security and privacy over the Internet for applications such as web, email, instant messaging (IM) and some…

  • Let's talk about the (new) Yahoo's email service

    Recently, Yahoo redesigned its mail service again. I’ve talked about Yahoo Mail last August. I hoped for an improvements. Recently, on its 16th birthday, Yahoo gives a new look for its mail service. Quoting from a release published at Yahoo’s blog: We redesigned Yahoo Mail to be more efficient, too. Things you do all of…

  • How To: Install Opera Mobile on Nokia N9

    Nokia N9 already has a built-in internet browser. It’s not the best, but it works. I like having some browsers for my Nokia N9, and currently I have Firefox Mobile and Opera Mobile installed. Both browsers (Firefox Mobile and Opera Mobile) are not available from Ovi Store. If you’re using Symbian for your Nokia, you…