Tag: event

  • Kumi and Mozilla Indonesia Community Meetup

    Last week, I joined Mozilla Indonesia Community meetup at Blitz Megaplex, Pacific Place, Jakarta. Lots of people confirmed to join this event, and the news mentioned about some goodies for those who came earlier. I got there almost at 7 PM (blame the heavy rain and flood!). I was surprised because lots of people already…

  • Jogja Wall Nation: Mural Competition

    There will be an event in Jogjakarta called “Jogja Wall Nation” this weekend (October 14-15). It’s a mural competition. The competition will take place in Malioboro area. What makes it different is that the event will start in the evening until early in the morning. I got news that right now (when I write this…

  • Jogtug Celebrated 64th Anniversary of Indonesia's Independence

    Few days ago, I joined @jogtug (Jogjakarta Twitter User Group) to celebrate 64th anniversary of Indonesia’s independence day. The community gathered in an event called #pitulasanTU (the word ‘pitulas‘ means “seventeen” in English). Why seventeen? Because Indonesia celebrates its independence day on Agustus 17. #pitulasanTU took place at Gedung Agung, Malioboro, Yogyakarta. The idea was…

  • 14th Yogyakarta Gamelan Festival 2009

    Yogyakarta Gamelan Festival (YGF) is an annual music event in Jogjakarta. This year, it’s the 14th festival and has “EVERYWHERE” as the event theme. Anyway, this event is organized by Gayam16. There are many agenda during this event including music performance, exhibition and also workshop from July 16-18. This event also invites musicians from some…

  • Boediono Mendengar (di Jogjakarta) Tanpa Boediono

    Minggu kemarin, saya memutuskan untuk datang di acara Boediono Mendengar di Jogjakarta. Saya datang ke acara ini setelah tahu informasi dari blog Ndoro Kakung. Informasi awalnya, acara yang bertajuk Boediono Mendengar – Kopdar Netter, akan berlangsung Joglo Melati, daerah Sleman. Namun, informasi terakhir katanya tempat acara diubah ke Angkringan Yayasan Umar Kayak (YUK). Alasan pemindahan…

  • Few Things about Facebook Usernames

    Facebook introduces Facebook Usernames. And, now it’s available for public. Now, we can create a personalized and easier-to-remember web address for our Facebook profile page. For those who like ‘shorter is better’ in URL, this should be interesting. Facebook explains: Your new Facebook URL is like your personal destination, or home, on the Web. People…

  • Jogja Java Carnival

    Jogja Java Carnival. Pertama kali mendengar ini sewaktu saya ikut di acara FAM Trip Journalist beberapa bulan yang lalu. Ya, sebuah pagelaran istimewa yang ingin menampilkan sebuah atraksi budaya dan kesenian untuk peringatan HUT Kota Jogjakarta di tahun ini (HUT Kota Jogjakarta ke-252). Dan, kemarin (25 Oktober 2008), sebuah karnaval itupun berlangsung. Setelah beberapa hari…

  • Pesta Blogger 2008

    Last year, I joined Pesta Blogger (Indonesian Bloggers Gathering — official site). It was a great event (Flickr photoset). More than 500 bloggers gathered at Blitz Megaplex. This year (2008), Pesta Blogger will be hold in Jakarta again. At first, it was scheduled on October 25th. The commitee announced that it will be hold in…

  • The BOBs – Best of the Blogs: Deutsche Welle International Weblog Awards 2008

    Just a reminder. This year, The BOBs (Best of the Blogs) 2008 has been started on August 31. Compared to the last year competition, this year Indonesian bloggers will have an opportunity to join the event. So, if your blog is written in Bahasa Indonesia, you may join. The award will be given out in…

  • Google Alerts

    Google Alerts are email updates of the latest relevant Google results (web, news, etc.) based on your choice of query or topic. We can use this to: monitor a developing news story keep current on a competitor or industry get the latest on a celebrity or event keep tabs on your favorite sports teams Anyway,…

  • Dumbledore is gay

    If you’re Harry Potter‘s fans, you will know who Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, known as Dumbledore, is. But, did you heard what J.K. Rowling said about Dumbledore recently? “Dumbledore is gay, actually,” Rowling said. According to a news published by ABC News: Well, it’s official. Albus Dumbledore, a hero of the phenomenally popular Harry…

  • I am going to Pesta Blogger 2007

    We (Lala and I) already got the invitation to join Pesta Blogger 2007. So, it will be next week. Last night, I talked with Yan Arief and we decided to go together. And I think Yeni, too. We will go there on October 26 by train. I still haven’t got info from other bloggers from…