Tag: Amazon S3

  • Amazon Web Service to Open New Region in Indonesia

    Amazon Web Service to Open New Region in Indonesia

    Among many services provided by Amazon Web Service (AWS), I use its Amazon S3 more than any other services provided. Lucky that it has Singapore edge location for the service. In the latest press release, AWS will open a new region in Indonesia. It’s a good news. The only thing AWS users need to do…

  • HTML5 UP

    HTML5 UP — Collection of beautiful templates using HTML5 and CSS3.

  • Photon: WordPress.com's Content Delivery Network

    Dealing with side loads for heavy-traffic website sometime can be painful. But, of course there are some common practice to deal with this kind of situation. For example, you can take advantage of cache system, offload to other service to reduce server load/bandwidth, or using CDN (Content Delivery Network). For WordPress-powered sites, you can take…

  • Dots

    This game is called “Dots“. It’s very basic. No complicated how-to’s, tutorials, levels, or scores. I need to connect two or more dots (in same color). I can do it horizontally  or vertically. But not diagonally. And, that’s it. It’s about connecting. This simple game is developed by Betaworks, available for free. Anyway, according to the…

  • Amazon Glacier and S3

    Amazon Glacier differs from S3 in two crucial ways: First, S3 is optimized for rapid retrieval (generally tens to hundreds of milliseconds per request). Glacier is not (we didn’t call it Glacier for nothing). With Glacier, your retrieval requests are queued up and honored at a somewhat leisurely pace. Your archive will be available for…

  • Display more than 30 sets per page on Flickr

    If you actively upload your photos to Flickr, you probably find that having lots of sets is a good idea. How many sets you have on your Flickr photostream right now? I have more than 200 sets. By default, if you browse sets in a photostream profile, you will only have 30 sets per page.…

  • Amazon CloudFront has an edge location in Singapore

    Today, I got an email from Amazon informing about new location of Amazon CloudFront. Now, it has a new location in Singapore. Previously, Amazon only has its CloudFront server located in Tokyo and Hongkong. Here’s the news delivered in the email: Starting immediately, Amazon CloudFront will begin using the Singapore edge location for requests for…