Tag: YouTube

  • YouTube is now availabe in Bahasa Indonesia

    Got this news from Ivan Lanin’s tweet. Finally, YouTube is now available in Bahasa Indonesia. Yes, Bahasa Indonesia! Last December, Flickr also introduced its Bahasa Indonesia language interface. When I checked YouTube’s blog, I didn’t see any announcements about this, but if you go to http://www.youtube.com/?hl=id or http://youtube.com/index?hl=id (link via @lowrobb), you can have YouTube…

  • Wanda Hamidah, #savejkt Obrolan Langsat


  • Earth Hour 2011 and Discussion at Obrolan Langsat

    Last night, I was going to Obrolan Langsat and joined the discussion about Earth Hour. Yes, this is an issue, but I’m not calling myself good at this. Every month, I pay the electricity bill for my grand parents’ house — and I don’t experience a big changes on the bill every month. May be,…

  • Follow Your Interests. Discover Your World. Twitter.


  • Porn Causes Tsunamis and Earthquakes

    Powerful stuff, that porn. The Indonesian Minister of Communication and Information (who must be very smart to have a title like that) has determined that recent natural disasters in his country are a consequence of the ubiquity of pornographic DVDs. Are you f’ing kidding me? Well, Indonesia lays down the facts of this accusation using…

  • YouTube Embed with New Player Design

    In my previous post, I mentioned about YouTube’s new player design. Right now, it only works on YouTube site — not for videos embed externally. But, with a small modification on its player parameter, we can have the new player design for the video. Example? This is the original embed code: <object width=”560″ height=”340″> <param…

  • Google TV

    Google TV is a new experience made for television that combines the TV you know and love with the freedom and power of the Internet. Watch an overview video below, sign up for updates, and learn more about how to develop for Google TV. “TV meets web. Web meets TV”. Watch video about Google TV…

  • Kereta Rel Listrik (Electric Multiple Unit) Jakarta

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzdDZc3feQc Actually, it was not the first time we went to Lenteng Agung Railway Station. So, when we started our videoblog, we put Lenteng Agung into our list. So, we did it. After buying a ticket, we planned to stop at Gondangdia. But, considering our plan — which was suddenly changed — we decided to…

  • Gambang Keromong

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9RiHcgDcuA Gambang Kromong is the Chinese originated Indonesian music born in the suburbs of Jakarta. It is also one of Indonesia’s most vivid and off the wall musical styles. The music’s name comes from the instruments, the gambang (xylophone) and the kromong (gong) played together with various flutes, and rebab (violin).

  • Lenggang Nyai, Betawi Traditional Dance


  • YouTube Now Has a New Player Design?

    I just visited dadio.tv channel on YouTube, I saw something different with the video player design. Looking at the new design in brief, I think I like the new one — all the player elements are there without any significant changes. I’m not sure whether it’s already announced or not, but it’s new for me.…

  • Videoblog. Again.

    With my friend, I decided to create a new videoblog. Previously, I had one at orangebox.tv, but since I was busy and almost had no time to maintain it, I left the domain expired. Now, it has a new domain name, with a new concept. I will not talk about technology or other geeky stuff.…

  • New wave 2009: Sandhy Sondoro

    From myspace.com/sandhysondoro Sandhy Sondoro, was born on the island of Java, Indonesia. Came from a musical family, where the house provide the likes of American pop, folk, Jazz and blues tunes coming from his Mother’s or father’s guitar everyday. Those were the joy that shaped his talents . It is not traditional Indonesian music that…