Tag: phone

  • Google Allo

    I just had Google Allo — another messaging app by Google — installed on my Android phone. There are already some messaging installed and used on my daily basis. Well, basically, I only use Telegram (mostly) and WhatsApp. And now, Google Allo. I tried Google Assistant more inside Allo, and it works pretty well. I…

  • Malaysian man spent 18 days in Changi Airport lounges using 31 forged boarding passes

    Malaysian man spent 18 days in Changi Airport lounges using 31 forged boarding passes. He downloaded images of mobile boarding passes issued by two airlines – Cathay Pacific and Singapore Airlines – from the Internet, and used an image editing software on his laptop to alter them. Raejali inserted his name, a false flight number…

  • iPhone 7 Plus Sample Photos

    iPhone 7 Plus Sample Photos (from the Titans-Vikings Game) by Sports Illustrated. Since I had my first iPhone — it was iPhone 4, I upgraded to iPhone 5. The recent iPhone 7 Plus offers a great features for the camera.

  • Bye Pokémon Go

    I decided to uninstall Pokémon Go on my Android phone. I wrote some details about my decision on my Medium page.

  • How do I Rate My Uber Trips (in Jakarta)?

    When I visit Jakarta, I usually took Uber as for my ride. So far, I have good experiences with Uber, a company founded back in 2009. I have some basic considerations on taking Uber. First, it’s cashless. This is a good point for my convinient. The second one is that it has applications that works.…

  • Pi MusicBox

    Pi MusicBox: Make Raspberry Pi stream — With Pi MusicBox, you can create a cheap (Sonos-like) standalone streaming music player for Spotify, Google Music, SoundCloud, Webradio, Podcasts and other music from the cloud. Or from your own collection from a device in your network. It won’t drain the battery of your phone when playing. The music…

  • BlackBerry may exit smartphone business

    BlackBerry makes $670m loss as it considers smartphone exit. For the three months to end of May, the company reported a $670m (£450m) loss, compared to a $73m profit a year earlier and and a $256m loss in the previous quarter. Although much of the loss was down to restructuring charges, sales also fell to…

  • Chromecast-ed

    I know that it’s been a long time since Google introduced Chromecast. This week, I decided to get my Google Chromecast (2015) for my SONY TV. The setup was easy within minutes. I haven’t installed many apps, but casting YouTube videos from my Android phone, or iPad was super easy. At least, it’s wireless now.

  • Pengalaman Mencoba Layanan Uber untuk Bisnis (Uber for Business)

    Pengalaman Mencoba Layanan Uber untuk Bisnis (Uber for Business)

    Di pertengahan Oktober 2015 ini, saya mendapatkan informasi melalui surel yang saya gunakan untuk akun saya di layanan Uber mengenai hadirnya fitur yaitu “Uber for Business”. Saya sendiri sudah menggunakan layanan ini beberapa bulan, dan secara keseluruhan mendapatkan layanan dan pengalaman yang baik. Walaupun, sampai sekarang saya baru menggunakan layanan ini kalau saya kebetulan ada…

  • XL Center Adisutjipto Yogyakarta Resmi Dibuka

    XL Center Adisutjipto Yogyakarta Resmi Dibuka

    Hari ini, 8 Oktober 2015, XL Axiata melakukan pembukaan secara resmi XL Center Adisutjipto Yogyakarta sebagai salah satu kanal pelayanan pelanggan produk dari XL Axiata. Saya sendiri kebetulan sudah menggunakan layanan dari XL Axiata sejak sekitar awal tahun 2000 sampai sekarang. Dulu, produk layanan lebih dikenal dengan ProXL. Jadi, mungkin sudah sekitar 15 tahun saya…

  • iOS 9 features inspired by Android

    I have some devices running on multiple operating systems (iOS, Android, and Windows Phone). But, recently I use Android more than iOS. Early this month, Apple announced some new features for its operating system: iOS 9. Some said that Android copies Apple, and Apple also copies Android. This time, Arstechnica has a list of some…

  • BlackBerry may put Android system on new device

    BlackBerry may put Android system on new device — “The sources, who asked not to be named as they have not been authorized to discuss the matter publicly, said the move to use Android is part of BlackBerry’s strategy to pivot to focus on software and device management. BlackBerry, which once dominated smartphone sales, now…

  • Which Android Phone I Should Buy?

    There are thousands of distinct Android devices on the market, and the numbers are growing. I bought some Android devices from some different brands. The latest one I bought, and I still use it right now is OPPO Find 7. Finding the phone that really fits its owner is not easy. Android has a simple…