Tag: LastPass

  • Aplikasi 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) Pilihan

    Untuk beberapa layanan daring yang saya gunakan, hampir semua saya mengaktifkan fitur 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) atau autentikasi dua faktor. Alasannya cukup sederhana: untuk menambah sedikit lapisan keamanan. Alih-alih hanya menggunakan kombinasi username dan sandi, ketika kombinasi autentikasi sudah dapat digunakan, saya perlu memasukkan kode autentikasi. Ribet? Mungkin iya. Tapi, sebenarnya tidak ribet juga. Untuk urusan…

  • Bitwarden: Year Two

    I just renewed my Bitwarden subscription for the additional one year, after I decided to move to Bitwarden from LastPass last year. It’s simply because it works well, for me. I’s cross-platform feature works really well. I have its Desktop app (for Mac), mobile apps (both Android and iOS), and the browser extensions, of course.

  • Fourth year: LastPass

    This month, I renewed my LastPass subscription for the next twelve months. This time, LastPass does not increase its subscription price. It’s still US$36/year. I am still pretty happy with it. I was thinking of cheaper solution that offers similar features, but for know, I could not find one. So, let’s stick to it for…

  • Third year: LastPass

    I started using LastPass for my password manager application in March 2017. So, this year, it’s my third year now. Before LastPass, I used 1Password. I didn’t remember the exact reasons why I switched to LassPass, but I think it was about the integration with applications in mobile devices. I am satisfied with LassPass features.…