Adding Block Storage to an Existing Cloud at Linode

This site is hosted at Linode’s smallest package. Besides this blog, I have some other domains and small WordPress-based sites here. Most of them are not busy site. So, $5/mo is just gret. But, there is a small problem: storage.

Yesterday, I almost utilised 95% of the 25GB of storage limit. I was thinking of upgrading the to the higher specs. $10/mo is still a good deal. But, I only need the storage at this moment. Paying $10/mo will give me additional 25GB of storage.

I already knew that Linode also provides block storage, and I never looked up for this addons. So, I gave it try and tried to prove that the how-to works as written. So, from the panel, I chose to add 20GB of storage and follow the instruction in the input fields.

It took only less than a minute I think to create the disk storage.

Once the disk created, I only need to run some commands as instructed in the configuration page. It was that simple.

After that, I moved some of my files to the new partition, and changed some configurations. Also, I moved MySQL storage to this partition, because it utilises the most. the process also pretty straightforward.

And, I only need to pay extra $2/mo for 20GB additional storage.
