Yusril Ihza Mahendra's New Blog

Yusril Ihza Mahendra, the former State Secretary, starts blogging using a new blog address. His blog — made using WordPress — is located at http://yusril.ihzamahendra.com. So, if you’re know his very first blogs at Blogspot (http://mahendra-ihza-yusril.blogspot.com/), it’s time to change your bookmark to the new address. All posts (except the last one) have been imported to WordPress.
Vavai also also informs that his blog can also be accessed using some different domains. http://yusrilihzamahendra.com or just http://yusril.com. Just choose. All will be redirected to the primary domain where his blog originally installed. Right, just a redirection.
Note: All posts and comments will be written by Pak Yusril himself. And, all communication sent from the contact form will go to Pak Yusril inbox. Yes, it’s his blog.
Happy blogging, Pak!


7 responses to “Yusril Ihza Mahendra's New Blog”

  1. Thanks for the info (and for the trackback), Thomas.
    BTW, good job & good design ;). Thanks for all of your support.

  2. themenya keren, thom. congrats ya…

  3. Vavai, no problem Mas… I commit to support the blogosphere. :)
    Pujiono, makasih mas. Ini belum selesai sebenernya, ada beberapa hal kecil yang harus dirampungkan, setelah semua materinya siap. Mungkin lain kesempatan saya akan share sedikit mengenai bagaimana proses membuat theme tersebut…

  4. Just a little thought. The term “State Secretary” could lead some people to believe that he was our “Minister of Foreign Affairs”, which he was not. Never. Never ever. Never ever ever. :)
    Indonesia uses “Minister” most of the times (if not always) and not “Secretary”. As for the position he was holding, it is officially referred to as “Minister of The State Secretary” (see
    As for the blog’s theme, nice one!

  5. Oops, so sorry about the link. If it takes you to some department which is not related, try to search it for yourself at http://www.indonesia.go.id/en/
    On the left, click “Department/Ministries”. There, go to the bottom category, “Ministerial Level Officials”. Click it, and you should see it on top of the drop down list.
    Sorry again for the wrong link.

  6. suit suit …..
    aku juga dah punya blog sendiri, kutulis sendiri , kukasih komentar balasan sendiri, dan semuanya masuk dalam inbox ku wooooo.
    desainnya kamu banget.

  7. Great Job Thomas.