WP Themes: Umalas and Chipshot

Didats Triadi, an Indonesian designer, released a WordPress theme called Umalas. Great work Didats! When I visited his blog, I found a link to “another Umalas theme”. The new theme called ChipShot can be downloaded for free at blogging themes, a free blog template collection.
I downloaded the two templates. I am 10,000% sure that Umalas is originally created by Didats Triadi. When I tried to compare the stylesheet, images, I found that they are too similar, even the file names!
Well, you know who the original author of that theme. They are the same, only in different name… –sigh.


4 responses to “WP Themes: Umalas and Chipshot”

  1. Nilam Bhaiduri

    Sudah double check juga. Well…well…well, jadi yg asli yg mana, yg aspal yg mana? Cape deh….

  2. apakah sudah saatnya ada property rights di dunia maya? tapi gimana caranya?

  3. Well,
    Actually, not only Umalas. Ombax also. But I’ve forgot the links.. hihihi… :D
    Padahal, templatenya itu gag bagus2 amat.. kok ya ditiru2in… :D

  4. firman, sepertinya susah deh…
    Didats, it seems that you made a great work! :D