WordPress Upgrade Using Changed Files Only

WordPress is known for its fast development. But for some people the upgrade process can be painful. I mean, not the “press the upgrade button”, but the download source, and uploading. If you have slow internet connection, you know what I’m talking about.
But, why not using another mechanism: just upload the changed files — compared to the previous version. By this, we do not have to upload and replace too many files. I used this scenario when I upgraded this blog to WordPress 2.6.3. Since it was only a maintenance release, I only needed to upload 2 files.
WordPress 2.6.5 was released last week. If you want to upgrade from WordPress 2.6.3 to 2.6.5, you can try this: upload the changed files only. All files are available from WordPress Trac. Go to the bottom area, and you should see “Zip Archive” link there. Download it, extract the zipped files, and upload them. Well, I don’t use this on this blog, since this blog is using the 2.7 distribution. Anyway, in the coming WordPress 2.7, the upgrade process should be easier. The upgrade button is there. Yay!


2 responses to “WordPress Upgrade Using Changed Files Only”

  1. emang gak pakai plugin buat updaternya ya thom?
    kan cuman tinggal ngeclick doang

  2. Khusus untuk update plugin memang tidak banyak berubah, kecuali untuk menambah plugin sekarang jauh lebih mudah. Karena bisa search dan install langsung dari dashboard.
    Kalau core files-nya, harusnya jadi jauh lebih enak, karena upgrade WordPress bisa juga dengan single-click dari dashboard. Ya, walaupun memang ada plugin yang bisa di install untuk core upgrade. Di versi 2.7 semua sudah built-in nih…