WordPress Updates

There are some new WordPress released this month. Here there are:

  • WordPress 2.2.2 and 2.0.11 (Announcement)
    There are some security fixes there. It is recommended to upgrade to this latest version. Some bugs are closed for 2.2.2 and 2.0.11. List of changed files also available (2.2.2 and 2.0.11). Upgrade now!
  • WordPress MU 1.2.4 – There are some security fixes also, based on WordPress 2.2.2. I think I will upgrade all WPMU installation for Asia Blogging Network. It should be easy. ;)


4 responses to “WordPress Updates”

  1. aku juga dah up grade

  2. Ya , karena banyaknya bug yang ada maka hampir 1 bulan sekali ada versi baru WP.
    Menarik, saya banyak waktu kok untuk melakukan itu.
    Upgrade , hell yeah

  3. Hehe, iya ini. Menggunakan WP harus rajin-rajin upgrade. Upgrade sih sebenarnya gampang, tapi sering-sering gini, kadang males juga… :D Ya, paling tidak… WP membuat orang rajin… rajin upgrade. Hehehe…

  4. hehe, barusan ngapgred 2.2 eh ada lagi, fyuh…