Upgrade to Flickr pro account

Last week, I upgraded my Flickr account. Actually, this is not my personal account, but Orangescale’s account. Lala and I have our own Flickr account. Having two separate account is fine for me. But, if I can combine them, why not? So, if you add my Flickr account, I have to say sorry because I will not update it anymore. I will upload all new photos to my Pro account.
Flickr offers its free version with some limitation. Of course, if you’re fine with the limitation, you can stay with it. But, I want to have more. So, here are some reasons why I decided to upgrade:

  • I love Flickr!
  • Before the ugprade, we were about to reach our feature limit.
  • It’s cheap. Seriously, about US$2 per month only.
  • The pro features are tempting. unlimited uploads (10mb per photo), unlimited storage, unlimited bandwidth, unlimited photosets, archiving of high-resolution original images, the ability to replace a photo, post any of your photos in up to 60 group pools, ad-free browsing and sharing.
  • We will have more and more photos.
  • The process was quick and simple. It took less than five minutes to enjoy the pro features.

Right now, I am happy with my Flickr account. If you’re still in free version, the pro features are worth to see. Again, my primary Flickr account is http://flickr.com/photos/orangescale/ now.


8 responses to “Upgrade to Flickr pro account”

  1. Seharusnya ada tulisan “Holy Smoke, It’s cheap” hehe.. Congrats yah, saya juga sudah upgrade. Eh, jangan lupa bonus Moo nya dipakek, kalau gak mau kasih saya aja.
    Eh iyah, saya add yah. Thanks. :D

  2. ini semacam “review me” bukan? kakakakak…

  3. om, gak nyoba pake smugmug?

  4. hello,
    congratulation for your PRO account,
    but would you please check if you’ve any PRO invitation in your account? cause in my country (IRAN) there is no pay method to buy accounts, and if you can send me a pro invitation, it would be great and I’ll appreciate.
    Thank in advance

  5. Makan Makan Om ;)

  6. Ada fasilitas buat backupnya gak Mas?
    Jadi misal suatu saat kita mau download semua foto yang ada disitu, ada opsi buat “select all”, terus ketika didownload sudah dalam bentuk kompresi gitu..
    Btw, OOT nih, jarang OL ya mas di YM? Saya pakai nick labanux. Ada yang mau di obrolin.. Atau via email saja ya?

  7. proficiat atas pro account yang sudah terbeli.
    ngomong-2, kenapa thomas nggak pernah posting tips memotret, ya? saya liat foto-2 yang ada di flickr itu ciamik. padahal setahu saya thomas hanya memakai kamera digital yang tidak terlalu canggih. saya pikir tips fotografi dari thomas akan sangat berguna sekali bagi para blogger indonesia. ayo dong nulis…

  8. Abe Putra, hehhe… Iya nih, malah bingung ini Moo-nya mau dipake untuk foto yang mana…
    Firman, halah.. bukan review me ini… tapi my review *halah, dijawab*
    sumodirjo, sempat lihat tapi belum sampe register dan explore fitur yang ada disana. Saat ini kebetulan udah terlanjur seneng sama Flickr…
    Jauhari, wah.. mau traktir? :P
    Okto, untuk backup seperti yang dimaksud, tidak ada sih setahu saya. Tapi misal mau download semua, ada cukup banyak aplikasi untuk download foto dari Flickr…
    Pujiono, terima kasih. Haha.. memang kamera yang saya pakai itu bukan kamera canggih. Saya ‘cuma’ pakai Kodak EasyShare C713 saja. Tips fotografi? Waduh… belum di level bisa memberi tips ini mas…