Troubleshooting: Can't Login After WordPress Upgrade

Today, I was helping my client upgrading her WordPress-powered blog. He was using WordPress 2.6.x series. I upgraded using the standard procedur, and I thought the whole process was painless. But, it was not. I could not access its “Dashboard”. The login screen was there, but when I entered the username and password — I was 1,000% sure that I typed a correct combination — nothing happened.

Few months ago, I had a problem with the “Redirect Loop”. I made a speculation: removing all plugins under wp-content/plugins/ directory. Of course, after I made sure that I had the list of all active plugins. After that, I tried to login again, and voila! I continued re-installing all plugins needed. Problem solved.


6 responses to “Troubleshooting: Can't Login After WordPress Upgrade”

  1. A very helpful tip. There’s also another way of fixing this kind of problem, which is to edit the database manually and change the password. I prefer this way, because i always forgot the list of already installed plugins. :mrgreen:

  2. I did that too. I event copy the user table from my current database. Just to make sure that everything is correct. I tried this because modifying user password directly using PhpMyAdmin was unsuccessful.
    Well, “removing plugins” here does not mean deleting from server. I just move them to different folder. What made the process so easy because that site only has less than 6 plugins installed. :)

  3. I always add : index.php to the admin lin (wp-admin/index.php) if found similar problem. Usually it’s solved the problem :-)

  4. Thanks for this post.. I had the same problem after applying the automatic upgrade to 2.8.4….it may have been interrupted or..IDK…but I had to follow your instructions in removing the plugins under the /wp-content/plugins/ directory…and reinstalling them…that’s the only way I got it to work..
    Thanks again….You save me from having to reinstall..

  5. Dennis lee

    I got a killer one that will blow you all mind to fix this easy as ABC.
    1. on your ftp place a directory (/plugin) just place a (/pluginX)
    then try to get the (login.php)
    request a new password to be send to email.
    then copy email New password then type it in
    at (login.php) page
    bingo you are in your admin..
    then just click a link there.
    finally go back to your ftp. and remove (x) from (plugin) directory
    You will be good to Go, No deleting or go to MSQL or any thing..
    not dangerous friend easy isn’t it?
    take care

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