Track Current Stock Information in Google Spreadsheet

I am not a person who got affected when there are major stock changes in the market. But, for those who need to track the stock information growth — and also use Google Spreadsheet, this is probably useful. Anyway, this will retrieve data from Google Finance.
There is a tutorial about tracking stocks in Google Spreadsheets

Instead of copying data into your worksheet, when the linked source changes, the cells in your spreadsheet will automatically update, which can save a lot of work if you pull reports regularly. This external data can be pulled from XML, other spreadsheet documents, and even (assuming you can bear to look) current and historical stock quotes from Google Finance.

Using this method, you can retrieve current stock information and also pull historical stock data. There are some spreadsheet samples you can download.


2 responses to “Track Current Stock Information in Google Spreadsheet”

  1. itu komentar sebelumnya yg saya edit kok malah jadi ilang? tulis lg ah..
    digabung dg yang lain bisa bikin sesuatu yang super keren. Contoh:

  2. Makasih boss untuk infonya.
    Soal komentar yang di edit malah jadi ilang, maapkan… Saya beresin deh. :(