Tag: Twitter

  • TwiTip

    TwiTip is a blog about using Twitter. Some tips and other information on how to use Twitter more effectively. Anyway, Darren Rowse is there.

  • OpenX Hosted is available for all web publisher now!

    It was in the private beta, need invitation. I got one. Now, OpenX hosted solution (beta) is available for web publisher. Say good bye to invitation, sign up now. Again, it’s free up to 25 million of ad impression per month. If you’re a Twitter user like me, do not forget to follow @openx

  • Blocking More Twitter Users

    Today, I blocked many Twitter users who followed me. I already did it before. I have some spammy followers. They just published some links to visit their websites or other sites. I don’t know. Searching using Come OR visit gives me lots of spammy tweets (hat tip @budip). Sometime I did not check every followers…

  • Do You Block Other Twitter Users?

    My short answer is: Yes. Sometimes, I do block some Twitter users (followers). The main reason is pretty simple. I think they’re spammy users. For example, here are their ‘condition’: I could not even see his/her profile. No URL, no short bio. He/she follows too-many users, but only have little followers. He/she only promote what…

  • TimesPeople from The New York Times

    The New York Times launches a new feature called TimesPeople. It’s a social network for Times readers — and it’s still in beta. Here, we can share interesting news found at NYTimes.com with other users. If we think that other people should find out about articles, comments or any other news at NYTimes, we can…