Tag: Services

  • Pajak Digital Layanan Amazon, Google, Netflix, dan Spotify Mulai 1 Agustus 2020

    Mulai 1 Agustus 2020 nanti, beberapa layanan digital yang digunakan oleh pengguna internet atau layanan daring di Indonesia akan mengalami kenaikan harga. Ada enam perusahaan penyedia produk/layanan digital yaitu Amazon Web Services Inc, Google Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd,Google Ireland Ltd, Google LLC, Netflix International B.V., dan Spotify AB yang akan mengenakan pajak PPN 10% kepada…

  • Amazon Web Service to Open New Region in Indonesia

    Amazon Web Service to Open New Region in Indonesia

    Among many services provided by Amazon Web Service (AWS), I use its Amazon S3 more than any other services provided. Lucky that it has Singapore edge location for the service. In the latest press release, AWS will open a new region in Indonesia. It’s a good news. The only thing AWS users need to do…

  • Hi, Google Photos!

    After leaving Flickr, it took few weeks to have all photos organised in Google Photos as my primary photo storage (and sharing!) service. What’s the difference? Using Google Photos, I upload more photos. I think, this is because of some key factors: It’s easy to upload photos. I almost always upload my photos directly from…

  • Killed by Google

    Killed by Google, a Free and Open Source list of dead Google products, services, and devices.

  • Lifehacker Faceoff: Google Photos vs. Flickr

    Last month, both Google and Yahoo introduced big changes to their photo storage services, Google Photos and Flickr (4.0), respectively. Both offer identical, useful features: automatic photo backups, intelligent organization, online editing tools, and sharing capabilities. So which one should you use? (Source: Lifehacker Faceoff: Google Photos vs. Flickr)

  • Personal Experience: Does Find My iPhone really work? For me, it does.

    Having some Apple products, I read lots of news regarding the products or the company like product updates, rumors, etc. One of them is about the story about stolen/missing products. Today, I almost lost my New iPad. I was lucky to have in back within hours. How? Today, it was just like regular day. I…