Tag: safari

  • uBlock

    µBlock — An efficient blocker for Chromium, Firefox, and Safari. Fast and lean. I’ve been using it to replace existing Adblock Plus.

  • Tindak lanjut permasalahan Internet Banking BCA yang terblokir dan beberapa catatan lain

    Tulisan ini merupakan lanjutan dari tulisan saya sebelumnya dengan judul ‘Permasalahan akun Internet Banking BCA diblokir karena antivirus?‘. Apa yang saya tuliskan sebagai tambahan informasi, dan semoga dapat memberikan tambahan informasi (bagi yang membutuhkan). Karena sudah larut malam, saya memutuskan untuk melakukan pendaftaran ulang Internet Banking BCA hari ini (22 Desember 2012) melalui ATM yang…

  • Permasalahan akun Internet Banking BCA diblokir karena antivirus?

    Sore tadi, saya coba login ke Internet Banking BCA di kantor. Dan, entah kenapa tidak bisa login dengan pesan untuk menghubungi layanan konsumen BCA. Saya pikir mungkin sistem sedang tidak berjalan normal, jadi saya tunggu terlebih dahulu. Beberapa jam kemudian, saya coba lagi dan mendapatkan pesan yang sama. Dalam perjalanan pulang dari kantor, saya sempatkan…

  • iTunes 10.5, iCloud, and iOS 5

    I’m waiting for iOS 5! It should be arrived today and I can’t wait to download it. When I watched Apple Special Event (October 2011) last week, there were many information about iOS features that I want to have. It is said that there are more than 200 new features in this release. From the…

  • You are using an incompatible web browser, Facebook said

    I almost have no problems accessing Facebook site using many different browsers. But, I sometime I found problems when using Opera 10 browser. It says that I’m using incompatible web browser. But, it only happens randomly, even when I do the same actions like reloading pages, clicking on the links. And so far, it only…

  • Web Browsers' Homepage Designs

    I only visit web browsers’ sites when I want to download — sometime, I don’t even have to go to their sites to get updates — or, only when someone/something refers me to an address in those sites. Those are some possibilities. Their websites have beautiful designs, and sometime can be a great inspiration. :)…

  • Greasemetal

    Greasemetal is a userscript runtime for Google Chrome. The runtime hosts userscripts (tiny javascript files that modify the webpages being displayed) to be executed on Google Chrome, similar to what Greasemonkey does for Mozilla Firefox, or Greasekit does for Safari.

  • Pushup: Encourage others to upgrade their browsers

    I just added some Javascript file and CSS in this blog. You probably will notice them, or not. You will not see something different in this page if you’re using an updated internet browser. But, if you’re still using old browsers, you should see a notification — it’s on the upper right of the browser…

  • Internet Browser Memory Battle

    I have some internet browsers installed in my PC and laptop like Opera, Firefox, Flock, Safari (for Windows) and also Internet Explorer. For my OpenSUSE and Ubuntu, I only have Firefox and Opera. Among those, I only use two browsers regularly. For the other, I only use it for web development purposes. Even I —…