Tag: Quotes

  • Megawati: Nanti suatu saat kalau aku udah ndak ada…

    Masa kita mau ngikutnya ke Barat mulu loh, dari sisi budaya seni, yang namanya Timur itu luar biasa sekali. Saya ngobrol sama Sekjen saya, ini nih, kok bangsa ku udah terlalu nikmat dengan zona nyaman, loh, aku udah khawatir. Nanti suatu saat kalau aku udah ndak ada, terus piye yo, gimana yo? Megawati, Ketua Umum…

  • How-To: Calling Siri on Mac Using Custom Keyboard Shortcut or Dictation

    How-To: Calling Siri on Mac Using Custom Keyboard Shortcut or Dictation

    I tried using Siri on Mac after my upgrade to macOS Sierra, and it works as expected, even I’m still using some basic commands. It’s just like they way I talk to Siri on my iPhone and iPad. Asking Siri is simple, just hit the Siri button on the menu bar, and send your command.…

  • How To: Install Opera Mobile on Nokia N9

    Nokia N9 already has a built-in internet browser. It’s not the best, but it works. I like having some browsers for my Nokia N9, and currently I have Firefox Mobile and Opera Mobile installed. Both browsers (Firefox Mobile and Opera Mobile) are not available from Ovi Store. If you’re using Symbian for your Nokia, you…

  • List of misquotations

    List of misquotations: A famous misquotation is a well-known phrase attributed to someone who either did not actually say it in that form of words, or did not say it at all. (Wikipedia)

  • Track Current Stock Information in Google Spreadsheet

    I am not a person who got affected when there are major stock changes in the market. But, for those who need to track the stock information growth — and also use Google Spreadsheet, this is probably useful. Anyway, this will retrieve data from Google Finance. There is a tutorial about tracking stocks in Google…