Tag: pattern

  • Google Doodle: Indonesia National Batik Day 2019

    Today, Google search page for users in Indonesia has a doodle to celebrate National Batik Day 2019. Quoted from Google Doodle’s page: Today’s Doodle celebrates and was made using Batik, a technique for decorating fabric using wax and pigment to create complex, colorful patterns. Batik artisans cover fabric with a wax design, add dye, and finally…

  • Terrapattern

    Terrapattern — a visual search tool for satellite imagery. The project provides journalists, citizen scientists, and other researchers with the ability to quickly scan large geographical regions for specific visual features.

  • F Pattern Layout

    F Pattern Layout — “Rather than trying to force the viewer’s visual flow, the F-Layout gives in to the natural behaviors of most web surfers and it uses scientific studies to back it up.”

  • body_class() for WordPress Theme Designer

    I just upgraded my WordPress engine to the latest version. This new version offers some improved and new features. One of them is about body_class() function. Nathan Rice has a definition about this: The body_class() function operates in nearly the exact same manner as the post_class() function that was introduced in WordPress 2.7. The only…

  • vBulletin Database Backup

    I’m maintaining a pretty big forum. It has a great amount of traffic, AND huge database size. Right now, it has a remote backup server. The optimization is always challenging. Anyway, vBulletin upgrade process was easy. The forum I maintain used vBulletin 3.6.x when it was firstly installed. Right now, it’s using the latest stable…

  • New design for this blog

    I have been very busy in the last few weeks, many things to do. I needed to recharge my energy. And this is the result: a new design for my blog. I created this theme for fun, at least to keep my mood in balance, to bring my mood back to the other design work.…

  • WordPress MU 1.3

    Few days ago, WordPress MU 1.3 was released for public. This latest release is a sync of WordPress 2.3.1. So, many new features offered by WordPress 2.3.1 will be also available in WordPress MU environment. Great!

  • Listed in seach engines because we blog

    Weblog can put nobody into somebody (on the internet). And I am sure that many bloggers had tried their luck to find their position on search engines. I am curious about checking my name on search engines. I tried it.