Tag: laptop

  • Komputer bising!

    Sebenarnya komputer saya (PC) masih baik-baik saja. Memang sudah cukup lama mengeluarkan suara bising. Ini sih karena ada masalah di kipas prosesornya. Ada bagian yang “patah”. Lupa sebabnya, yang pasti gara-gara ini, suaranya jadi sangat bising. Ya, karena jadi ada yang goyah, tidak terpasang dengan sempurna. Awalnya sih memang tidak mengganggu, tapi lama-lama kok mengganggu…

  • Iron Flickr Man

    I watched Iron Man. I think it’s a good movie. But, I will not talk about this movie, or make a review of it. I’m interested in the story behind this movie related to… Flickr! If you see the image, just look closer to the two images inside. Looks similar, right? The picture is from…

  • Google Reader Problems

    Today, I had problem opening Google Reader. I am not sure what caused it, because I did nothing unusual using my laptop. I noticed that it happened after I had Google Chrome installed. But, I am NOT saying that Google Chrome caused this issue. Not sure about this (Thanks Yogi for the correction). The problem…

  • Internet Browser Memory Battle

    I have some internet browsers installed in my PC and laptop like Opera, Firefox, Flock, Safari (for Windows) and also Internet Explorer. For my OpenSUSE and Ubuntu, I only have Firefox and Opera. Among those, I only use two browsers regularly. For the other, I only use it for web development purposes. Even I —…