Tag: grid

  • Masonry: cascading grid layout library

    Masonry: cascading grid layout library — Masonry is a JavaScript grid layout library. It works by placing elements in optimal position based on available vertical space, sort of like a mason fitting stones in a wall. You’ve probably seen it in use all over the Internet.

  • Five Simple Steps Books

    I think I want these books. And, all books in collection including: A Practical Guide to Designing Grid Systems for the Web by Mark Boulton A Practical Guide to Designing the Invisible by Robert Mills A Practical Guide to Strategic User Experience by Leisa Reichelt Creating Web Content by Relly Annett-Baker Designing Web App Success…

  • Emastic

    Emastic is a CSS Framework with some great features: Lightweight (compressed weight less then 4kb, personalized width of the page in (em,px,%), use of fixed and fluid columns in the grid, elastic layout with “em”s.

  • The Grid System

    The Grid System is an ultimate resource in grid system. If you are a grid lover, like me. You should visit this page.

  • Oh My Grid, free WordPress Theme

    Today, I released a WordPress theme. This theme is called Oh My Grid. I designed this theme based on theme I use for my blog. If you run WordPress 2.5, you should find no problems — if you found one, let me know so that I can fix it. For more detail, go to Oh…

  • Busy days, lightning and grid

    This months, I have some works to do. That made me a little bit busy. I have a pending project right now, well.. actually, it’s my friend’s part to do the work. But, I hope we can finish it right away — this week. Last week, I also made some designs for a client. I…