Tag: Google

  • How Google Street View Works


  • Become a Gmail Ninja

    Become a Gmail Ninja — Learn tips and tricks to save time, increase your productivity, and manage your email efficiently. Start with the tips that are right for you, based on how much email you get each day.

  • Do you check your email spam folder?

    For the email service, I use Gmail and Yahoo! Mail. I almost never got any problem with them. Because they did great job filtering the email spams, I almost never checked my email spam folder. If they’re spams, why bother checking the spam folder? But, I sometime check the spam/junk folder. Reading the email subjects…

  • Being The Next

    Don’t try to be the ‘next’. Instead, try to be the other, the changer, the new. Seth Godin

  • Few Things about Facebook Usernames

    Facebook introduces Facebook Usernames. And, now it’s available for public. Now, we can create a personalized and easier-to-remember web address for our Facebook profile page. For those who like ‘shorter is better’ in URL, this should be interesting. Facebook explains: Your new Facebook URL is like your personal destination, or home, on the Web. People…

  • Google Image Search Color Filter

    I think, this Google Image Search‘s “filter by color” feature is very useful. I can filter image search results not only by size (extra large, large, medium, and small) and image type (news content, faces, clip art, line drawing and photos) but also by color. There are twelve colors available to be used as filter.…

  • quietube

    quietube: YouTube without the distractions — It’s a bookmarklet to remove all comments and other visual elements from YouTube video. In short: display the video only.

  • Douglas Bowman's Farewell Post

    I like reading Douglas Bowman’s farewell post. He left Google after three years. Here’s a paragraph: Yes, it’s true that a team at Google couldn’t decide between two blues, so they’re testing 41 shades between each blue to see which one performs better. I had a recent debate over whether a border should be 3,…

  • Undo a sent email in Google Mail

    After enabling media file preview in Google Mail, I decided to enable another Google Labs feature. It’s Undo Send. This email feature will give us 5 seconds to decide whether we want to send the email or cancel it. I think this feature is very useful. In 5 seconds? I think it’s enough. Or, not?

  • Google Chrome's Incognito Mode

    Google Chrome offers another type of window/browsing mode called “incognito mode”. When we’re using Google Chrome in incognito mode page information (website addresses, downloaded files will not be stored/logged in our browsing and download histories. And, when we close the “incognito window”, all new cookies will be deleted right away. Read mode details about incognito…

  • Web Browsers' Homepage Designs

    I only visit web browsers’ sites when I want to download — sometime, I don’t even have to go to their sites to get updates — or, only when someone/something refers me to an address in those sites. Those are some possibilities. Their websites have beautiful designs, and sometime can be a great inspiration. :)…