Tag: Google Chrome

  • Nonton Disney+ Hotstar Langsung di TV Pakai Chromecast (Android dan iPadOS)

    Karena Disney+ Hostar tidak dapat dinikmati langsung melalui Chromecast di ponsel atau tablet di awal September lalu, saya jadi cukup jarang menontonnya. Ya, tidak praktis saja, masa hanya untuk menonton di TV saya harus membuka Disney+ Hostar di laptop, lalu meng-Cast. Sekarang, sudah bisa! Saya tidak tahu kapan persisnya fitur ini tersedia baik di Android…

  • Menonton Film Disney+ Hotstar di TV Melalui Chromecast

    Ketika di bulan Agustus 2020 lalu, Telkomsel menawarkan promosi tarif spesial untuk layanan Disney+ Hotstar, saya memutuskan untuk menggunakan promosi tersebut. Walaupun, saya tidak terlalu memiliki ekspektasi terlalu tinggi akan bagaimana nantinya. Rp30.000 untuk menikmati layanan ini selama 3 (tiga) bulan sampai Desember 2020 sepertinya tak ada salahnya dicoba. Apalagi, karena sudah tidak berlangganan Netflix,…

  • Selamat Tinggal Flash

    Saya lupa kapan terakhir kali mengakses situs yang masih menggunakan teknologi Adobe Flash Player. Saya pikir teknologi ini sudah ditinggalkan cukup lama. Peramban Google Chrome juga sudah mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepada Flash pada pertengahan 2017 setelah Adobe — sebagai perusahaan pengembangnya — juga memutuskan untuk menghentikan dukungan pengembangan dan distribusi Adobe Flash Player di akhir…

  • Chromecast-ed

    I know that it’s been a long time since Google introduced Chromecast. This week, I decided to get my Google Chromecast (2015) for my SONY TV. The setup was easy within minutes. I haven’t installed many apps, but casting YouTube videos from my Android phone, or iPad was super easy. At least, it’s wireless now.

  • Tindak lanjut permasalahan Internet Banking BCA yang terblokir dan beberapa catatan lain

    Tulisan ini merupakan lanjutan dari tulisan saya sebelumnya dengan judul ‘Permasalahan akun Internet Banking BCA diblokir karena antivirus?‘. Apa yang saya tuliskan sebagai tambahan informasi, dan semoga dapat memberikan tambahan informasi (bagi yang membutuhkan). Karena sudah larut malam, saya memutuskan untuk melakukan pendaftaran ulang Internet Banking BCA hari ini (22 Desember 2012) melalui ATM yang…

  • Permasalahan akun Internet Banking BCA diblokir karena antivirus?

    Sore tadi, saya coba login ke Internet Banking BCA di kantor. Dan, entah kenapa tidak bisa login dengan pesan untuk menghubungi layanan konsumen BCA. Saya pikir mungkin sistem sedang tidak berjalan normal, jadi saya tunggu terlebih dahulu. Beberapa jam kemudian, saya coba lagi dan mendapatkan pesan yang sama. Dalam perjalanan pulang dari kantor, saya sempatkan…

  • Google Plus Sticky Header's User Styles

    Pujiono shared a wishlist to have Google Plus‘ header displayed in sticky style. Since Google does not offer this feature, can we have this feature using a simple trick? The answer is: yes. There is a small extension of User Styles called ‘Google Plus Sticky Common Header’. I have applied this simple style to my…

  • Firefox 4: Graphic Drivers Problems

    Yesterday, Firefox 4 was launched and lots of people — including me — are happy now. I heard about Firefox 4 features during last year Pesta Blogger in Jakarta. At that time, Mozilla Indonesia brought some people from the team (including the developer) to share some knowledge what could be expected from Mozilla Firefox 4.…

  • Google Chrome's Incognito Mode

    Google Chrome offers another type of window/browsing mode called “incognito mode”. When we’re using Google Chrome in incognito mode page information (website addresses, downloaded files will not be stored/logged in our browsing and download histories. And, when we close the “incognito window”, all new cookies will be deleted right away. Read mode details about incognito…

  • Web Browsers' Homepage Designs

    I only visit web browsers’ sites when I want to download — sometime, I don’t even have to go to their sites to get updates — or, only when someone/something refers me to an address in those sites. Those are some possibilities. Their websites have beautiful designs, and sometime can be a great inspiration. :)…

  • Virtual Strip Search Effect

    Last month, I got Google Chrome effect. This is what happened for my post about “virtual strip search“.

  • Themes for Google Chrome

    When I heard about Google Chrome, I downloaded right away. Even now I have it installed, but I do not use it for daily work. Mozilla Firefox and Opera are still on my top list. If you’re using Chrome and you want to have different looks, there are some Google Chrome themes available to download.…

  • Greasemetal

    Greasemetal is a userscript runtime for Google Chrome. The runtime hosts userscripts (tiny javascript files that modify the webpages being displayed) to be executed on Google Chrome, similar to what Greasemonkey does for Mozilla Firefox, or Greasekit does for Safari.

  • Google Reader Problems

    Today, I had problem opening Google Reader. I am not sure what caused it, because I did nothing unusual using my laptop. I noticed that it happened after I had Google Chrome installed. But, I am NOT saying that Google Chrome caused this issue. Not sure about this (Thanks Yogi for the correction). The problem…