Tag: Facebook

  • Posterous Theme for Mobile Device

    If you haven’t tried Posterous, you should. It offers lots of great features. Recently, Posterous added a new feature on its theme. If you open Posterous-powered sites using mobile device, they will be presented in a nice interface. You don’t have to tweak any settings, it just works. From their blog: This mobile theme was…

  • Frekuensi Menulis di Blog dan Mikroblog

    Kemarin, Ivan Lanin melontarkan sebuah pertanyaan melalui akun Twitter miliknya: Apakah mikroblog dan pemutakhiran status membuat orang jadi lbh malas menulis di blog “tradisional”? [tautan] Gara-gara pertanyaan tersebut, saya tergoda untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut dengan lebih panjang, melalui sebuah entri di blog ini. Jawaban saya untuk pertanyaan tersebut melalui akun Twitter saya sepertinya terlalu singkat.…

  • Apa Kabar Indonesia (TVOne): Luna Maya, Media Sosial dan UU-ITE

    Tadi pagi, diskusi Apa Kabar Pagi Indonesia TVOne mengangkat salah satu isu yang saat ini banyak dibicarakan — khususnya untuk masyarakat pengguna teknologi internet — yaitu tentang kasus yang melibatkan Luna Maya. Bagi saya yang menjadi menarik karena bukan tentang kasus Luna Maya dengan pihak yang langsung terkait — dalam hal ini infotainment — tapi…

  • Facebook Privacy Settings You Should Know

    I’m using Facebook, and found this useful post about privacy settings. In short: Understand your friend lists Remove yourself from Facebook search results Remove yourself from Google Avoid the infamous photo tag mistake Protect your albums Avoid the post-breakup Facebook effect Control what information applications can access Make contact information private Avoid embarrassing wall posts…

  • Facebook yang (Kadang) Membingungkan

    Saya menggunakan Facebook, walaupun tidak terlalu aktif memanfaatkan fitur-fitur yang ada. Misalnya aplikasi games. Saya lupa kapan atau aplikasi permainan apa yang saya mainkan. Bagi saya, aplikasi games ini tidak terlalu menarik. Mungkin saja menarik sih, tapi saya lebih takut kalau susah berhenti yang mengakitbatkan pekerjaan menjadi terbengkalai — karena keasikan bermain games. Saya hanya…

  • Notes on Facebook's Friend Requests

    I know some points about actions on Facebook related to friend requests. Facebook has some more detailed notes about this. Here are some points: Hitting the “Ignore” button will remove the request from our request list. Users who want to add you as friend will not be notified. They can send friend request again. Users…

  • 250 Million People Are using Facebook (July 2009)

    Mark Zuckerberg (Wikipedia profile) announced that Facebook has more than 250 million users around the globe. It’s almost the same with the country population. According to a report, Facebook had 200 million users in last April. I’m amazed to see the growth. This is how “250 million users” in a world map. (click to enlarge,…

  • Wibiya Toolbar for your website

    Few days ago, I installed a toolbar in this site (see footer). It’s a hosted toolbar service from Wibiya. I was not sure whether I really need that or not, but because I got invite to try the service — after asking for invite — I decided to try it. Go display the toolbar, we…

  • Few Things about Facebook Usernames

    Facebook introduces Facebook Usernames. And, now it’s available for public. Now, we can create a personalized and easier-to-remember web address for our Facebook profile page. For those who like ‘shorter is better’ in URL, this should be interesting. Facebook explains: Your new Facebook URL is like your personal destination, or home, on the Web. People…

  • You are using an incompatible web browser, Facebook said

    I almost have no problems accessing Facebook site using many different browsers. But, I sometime I found problems when using Opera 10 browser. It says that I’m using incompatible web browser. But, it only happens randomly, even when I do the same actions like reloading pages, clicking on the links. And so far, it only…

  • Fenomena halaman Facebook tentang Say “NO!!!” to …

    Saya tahu pertama kali tentang salah satu halaman di layanan jejaring sosial Facebook yang menkampanyekan tentang ‘Say “NO!!!” to Megawati’ justru bukan dari Facebook, melainkan dari layanan microblogging Twitter. Karena terus terang, saya lebih aktif memanfaatkan Twitter daripada Facebook. Yang menarik — bagi saya — justru lebih kepada informasi yang bertebaran di halaman tersebut. Sepertinya…

  • Online Journalism Handbook

    The Bighow Online Journalism Handbook A free online resource for journalists, bloggers, citizen journalists and anyone else interested in publishing. The handbook covers the basics of online reporting, writing for the web and social web, citizen journalism, professional blogging, how to use Facebook and Twitter, how to deal with censorship, list of citizen journalism websites…

  • Facebook and Friendster in Indonesia

    I feel that more people added me as their Facebook contact list these days. And, many of them already added me to other social network site: Friendster. I joined both sites, but I almost never use Friendster in the last few months. I found that Friendster is too boring. I know, it might because I…