Tag: Cloud

  • Pengisian Data Pajak untuk Layanan Amazon Web Service

    Pengisian Data Pajak untuk Layanan Amazon Web Service

    Hari ini ada notifikasi masuk ke surel saya terkait layanan Amazon Web Service (AWS), yaitu mengenai pajak. Ini terkait dengan rencana beberapa layanan digital yang akan dikenai pajak mulai 1 Agustus 2020. Intinya menginformasikan terkait perubahan peraturan terkait PPN untuk pengguna layanan dari Indonesia. Saya sendiri sudah mengiisikan informasi terkait nomor NPWP melalui halaman pengaturan…

  • Pajak Digital Layanan Amazon, Google, Netflix, dan Spotify Mulai 1 Agustus 2020

    Mulai 1 Agustus 2020 nanti, beberapa layanan digital yang digunakan oleh pengguna internet atau layanan daring di Indonesia akan mengalami kenaikan harga. Ada enam perusahaan penyedia produk/layanan digital yaitu Amazon Web Services Inc, Google Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd,Google Ireland Ltd, Google LLC, Netflix International B.V., dan Spotify AB yang akan mengenakan pajak PPN 10% kepada…

  • Adding Block Storage to an Existing Cloud at Linode

    This site is hosted at Linode’s smallest package. Besides this blog, I have some other domains and small WordPress-based sites here. Most of them are not busy site. So, $5/mo is just gret. But, there is a small problem: storage. Yesterday, I almost utilised 95% of the 25GB of storage limit. I was thinking of…

  • Hi, Google Photos!

    After leaving Flickr, it took few weeks to have all photos organised in Google Photos as my primary photo storage (and sharing!) service. What’s the difference? Using Google Photos, I upload more photos. I think, this is because of some key factors: It’s easy to upload photos. I almost always upload my photos directly from…

  • iPhone 6 Hilang

    Dua minggu lalu, setelah sekitar satu jam saya turun dari Grab yang mengantar saya untuk urusan pekerjaan dari Gambir ke Alam Sutera, saya baru menyadari bahwa iPhone 6 saya sudah tidak bersama saya lagi. Saat itu, bersama dengan rekan kerja saya, setelah turun dari Grab memang saya tidak mengecek keberadaan ponsel saya. Lebih menghabiskan waktu…

  • Pi MusicBox

    Pi MusicBox: Make Raspberry Pi stream — With Pi MusicBox, you can create a cheap (Sonos-like) standalone streaming music player for Spotify, Google Music, SoundCloud, Webradio, Podcasts and other music from the cloud. Or from your own collection from a device in your network. It won’t drain the battery of your phone when playing. The music…

  • Firebase Cloud Messaging

    Firebase Cloud Messaging — the new version of Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) under the Firebase brand. It inherits GCM’s core infrastructure, with new SDKs to make Cloud Messaging development easier.

  • nginx error: client intended to send too large body

    After moving this site to DigitalOcean‘s cloud environment, I found a problem when uploading a file from my blog posting interface. Looking up from the error log, it says “client intended to send too large body: 1122400 bytes”. I wanted to upload a file larger than 1 MB. I’m using nginx for the web server,…

  • Ulasan Ponsel Microsoft Lumia 535 Dual SIM

    Ulasan Ponsel Microsoft Lumia 535 Dual SIM

    Microsoft, sebagai perusahaan yang mengakuisisi Nokia, mengeluarkan produk ponsel pertama yang menghilangkan identitas “Nokia”, yaitu Microsoft Lumia 535. Jadi, tidak perlu bingung mengapa dulu ada istilah ‘Nokia Lumia’, namun nama Lumia sendiri sekarang tidak disandingkan dengan ‘Nokia’. Pertengahan Desember 2014 ini, saya memutuskan untuk membeli Lumia 535. Produk Lumia 535 ini saya beli melalui pre-order…

  • Solution: WhatsApp crashes on iOS 8 Beta

    Last week, I finally decided to upgrade my iPhone 5 to iOS 8 Beta 4. When the iOS Beta 1 was available, I took the risk to have it installed. But, it was too disappointing for too many bugs and errors. I’m excited about the upcoming iOS 8 features, and I want to try some…

  • Mengatur penyimpanan berkas di laptop

    Salah satu kebiasaan saya terkait dengan penyimpanan berkas (di komputer)  adalah bahwa saya jarang menghapusnya. Saya — dan mungkin banyak orang juga — melakukan penyimpanan di beragam layanan atau metoda  yang umum. Misalnya foto disimpan di layanan seperti Flickr, Instagram, atau bahkan Facebook. Berkas pekerjaan disimpan di Dropbox, atau Evernote untuk catatan-catatan lainnya. Karena kebiasaan…

  • Personal Experience: Does Find My iPhone really work? For me, it does.

    Having some Apple products, I read lots of news regarding the products or the company like product updates, rumors, etc. One of them is about the story about stolen/missing products. Today, I almost lost my New iPad. I was lucky to have in back within hours. How? Today, it was just like regular day. I…

  • iTunes 10.5, iCloud, and iOS 5

    I’m waiting for iOS 5! It should be arrived today and I can’t wait to download it. When I watched Apple Special Event (October 2011) last week, there were many information about iOS features that I want to have. It is said that there are more than 200 new features in this release. From the…