Rainy Season and Electricity Problem

It’s raining now. It’s a good thing to have rain here. In the last few months, it was hot, really hot in Jogjakarta. At least I can get more friendly weather. The problem is, I live in an unlucky area. I do not know the real problem, but I think it’s because the electricity network in my area is not that good. Not only in rainy season, during the normal weather condition, I got many electricity problem. It went out. It just did.
Last night, the electricity went out. I was in the bathroom. Ah! After lighting some candles, I went outside. Going to the street. And, it’s only in my area. It’s not the first time. Whenever there’s an electricity problem, it’s always in my area. I know, some areas had it too. Argghhh!
Is it too much if I want to have a good electricity service? Or, is it only a dream? Oh, well…


6 responses to “Rainy Season and Electricity Problem”

  1. Omahmu daerah mana to? kok mesakke temen :-D

  2. Daerah Pugeran, pojok beteng mas. Kalau misalnya kena jatah mati listrik, daerah saya trus ke arah barat sampai wirobrajan biasanya yang ikutan mati. Daerah pojok beteng timur tenang-tenang saja. Hiks.

  3. mulane jo lali bayar listrik :P
    orang2 daerah pojok beteng wetan kan emang rajin bayar listrik B-)

  4. daerah kutho wae ngono. apameneh ndeso koyo sanden, lagi gerimis langsung Petttt

  5. di desaku listriknya belum byar-pet meski beberapa kali ujan deres..

  6. Yayi, loh, urusan bayar listrik… selalu tepat waktu lah…. asem, bawa-bawa wilayah segala.. hihihihi… Kayaknya daerah sini sering mendapat cobaan… *glek!*
    Veta, loh, Sanden gitu ya? Rumah yang Bantul di Bambanglipuro malah aman tenteram tuh…
    Yan Arief, hehehe… enak itu. Disini ini sering… minggu ini sudah 2 kali, masing-masing sekitar 1 jam… keduanya pas lagi hujan. Hiks.