Pushup: Encourage others to upgrade their browsers

I just added some Javascript file and CSS in this blog. You probably will notice them, or not. You will not see something different in this page if you’re using an updated internet browser. But, if you’re still using old browsers, you should see a notification — it’s on the upper right of the browser window — telling you about your browser status (updated or outdated).
Pushup : Pushing up the web
Anyway, I got this from Pushup campaign.

Pushup is an effort to push the web forward by helping users upgrade their outdated browsers. Give your users a better web experience today by installing Pushup on your domain! A subtle upgrade link is shown when people visit your website using an outdated browser. They can click this link to visit the upgrade website for that browser, or choose to be reminded after a time you specify.

The installation (adding Javascript and CSS) is easy. Go to Pushup website, and you will get everything you need to get it installed in your website/blog. Demo is also available there. Anyway, remember Browse Happy?