Not so important… Ranked :)

I just curious how my people who do not want to come here come. The word “thomas” is sometimes shows up as a search query.

And, I tried try to find “lala” at Yahoo! also. Oops… :)
Have a great weekend all!


7 responses to “Not so important… Ranked :)”

  1. ayo bikin nomer satu ;)

  2. pengen… billyard lawan kamuu :D

  3. kalo orang nyari echa, aku top ten di google :D juga ya juga ekekekeke…hanya page rank thomas udah 5, banyak berarti, mapendoz baru-baru ajah, jadi masih 1 hicks :(

  4. how about ‘thomas mbek’ ? hihihi :P

  5. You have a very meaningful blog. Just can’t stop reading. I really enjoyed reading your blogs!!! Will visit your site frequently. Drop by my site if you have time @

  6. udah coba nyari ‘snydez’ ?
    uhauhuauh :D ..ngga nyambung :P

  7. Killy, wah… iseng :P
    Ods, lha mari…
    Echa, out of… :D
    Mirzha, hahaha… mbek? LOL :D
    Snydez, wehehhe.. udah om. :)