New Photoshop Logo

Adobe Photoshop New Logo
Some of you probably have heard about Adobe Photoshop’s new logo. Yes, that’s right. Photoshop family of products now has its own logo. Wait… not only logo, but also a new tagline: See What’s Possible™.
You can read John Nack’s post about this new logo. The discussion is also interesting. You’ll find more interesting references and links there.


6 responses to “New Photoshop Logo”

  1. woh.. ganti to logonya sotosop ???
    wah.. jadi penasaran :D

  2. Web 2.0 banget ;)

  3. Saya sih kurang seneng dengan logo baru-nya ini… Bubble-nya itu loh… ck.. ck…

  4. terlalu biasa untuk sebuah photoshop :-#

  5. someone please add this logo to : Die Speech Bubble Logo, Die..

  6. kaya apel 1/4 yang 3/4 lagi kemana ???