Invite codes are GONE!

Well, good news? For those who want to have a LiveJournal account for free? I think so. Now, you can sign up for FREE.
Me? Well, I just registered. Just want to know LiveJournal interface. Yeah… why not? I want to see it. But, until now… I like to have a weblog hosted on my own hosting. Have it installed, and do some modifications.

Well, I want to stressed on this sentence. It’s all about two spaces. Arghh… bang my head.

I have post a thread at pMachine Forum. And Brent C. Wilson (Thanks Brent!) answered that thread. I did exactly what was instructed there… but. It doesn’t work.

And, Brent sent me an email, asked me to show him my weblog.fns.php. He gave me an instruction, I tried it. Not working. Send email again, telling that I did it backward. Woops… sorry. He gave me the right way to do it (again! Thank you Brent! Thank you so much for your patience). And.. still not.

Finally, he told me the magic sentence,“You have two spaces between the number of comments and the word “comments.” So try replacing “1 comments” and “0 comments” with “1 comments” and “0 comments” (here, I had two spaces after the comment total number). Or change your templates to eliminate the extra space.”

Nice catch! After fixing that, VIOLA! It works! Yes, it works! Once again, big thanks to Brent!

Now, when there is no comment, the comment link text will be “No comments posted”, when there is only a comment, it will display “One comment”. Fiewh… a problem solved. Remember Thomas, just because of another extra space. One space, not two…
Woops.. it’s almost 1 AM here, time to sleep now… fiewh!


4 responses to “ Invite codes are GONE!”

  1. argh aku kalo disuruh sign up di journal yg laen ntar takutnya malah kepengen posting disana ajah en ngelantarin blog sendiri :S spt yg di moblog dulu :D juga begitu sampe blog sendiri lama gak di update. tapi barusan denger lagi tabulas hehehehe

  2. Thomas,
    if you deal with *any* space between number(s) and “comments” word, just use “1[[:space:]]+Comments”. It will treat no matter how many space(s) you have.
    That comes from ereg_replace() doc. in PHP.

  3. echa, hehehe.. sama. di install sendiri di hosting sendiri.. lebih seru tetep ya? :D
    iamal, thank you for the information. I had a problem, because, the original pMachine will display 1 Comments, and 0 Comments. Just a matter of changing those text. 1 is singular, but displayed as ‘1 comments’, I think, gramatically incorect. CMMIW

  4. Ew! napa ngga dari dulu aja tuh LJnya free. Tau gitu ngga cape2 minta free code dari paid member. LoL