Laila Skin for Nucleus CMS

Today, I received an email from Bert Garcia (Nucleus CMS developer) saying that one of my template called Laila has been added to Nucleus skin site.
Rodrigo Moraes ported this template to Nucleus CMS. Well, I am happy to have an opportunity to give contribution.

About Laila skin

Well, I originally made this template for pMachine template contest few weeks ago. And it has been added to pMachine template collection after the contest with a new name: Butterfly.
The name ‘Laila’ is part of her name, Laila Citra Nirmala. :)
I am just glad to have a chance to share.


The skin page at NucleusCMS site (for Laila) was updated. Moraes added more schemes. When I write this, there are Laila Original, Laila Blue, Laila Green and Laila Brown. Great! And thank you for the thread at NucleusCMS Forum.

Some people using this Laila skin

(thank you NucleusCMS, and those using this skin. I am not sure how many blogs use this skin.)


11 responses to “Laila Skin for Nucleus CMS”

  1. Well done, Thomas. :)
    Another great achievement you made this time. I’m proud of it.

  2. Thanks for making the skins available. Using in Nucleus.

  3. creative, great job! :)

  4. Well done! Really creative and beutiful :)
    Hope you can share the way you made some beautiful CSS skins. So far there are few (none) A-class Indonesian site concering about WebStandard, CSS, Web Semantic, and Accessibilty. Give us some tricks and hints. Hope you could be the pioneer along with Avianto bro ;)
    Again, congrate!

  5. Congratulation thomas and i really like the new layout.

  6. ckk ckk ckk…. mantep! congratz dah bro!

  7. Laila? Hmm.. Cool !!

  8. Thank you Thomas for letting us port your skin to NucleusCMS.
    Bert Garcia

  9. my fav one is the laila original. you’ve done a good job.

  10. thomz.. minta kritikan or makiannya yah.. :D