Facebook Like Box Shows 0 Fans?

I put Facebook Like Box at my videoblog site and so far it works really well. It shows how many Facebook users who “Like” my videoblog page. It worked really well, but not in the last few days. I thought it only happened to my site, but when I randomly visit some blogs using this Facebook Like Box, the same thing happened.
But, this ‘problem’ didn’t happen if the box is displayed using <iframe>. I use XFBML, so do the sites using the same code. Hmm… not sure what happen, but it’s not working really well right now. Any thoughts?


2 responses to “Facebook Like Box Shows 0 Fans?”

  1. Ive got the same problem, wanted to avoid iframes at all costs. Cant find anything from facebook about it?

  2. Just replaced a client’s XFBML code with the iframe code to no avail. Seems to be something else.