Dumbledore is gay. What about Harry Potter?

Harry Potter is (also) gay?
We’ve heard the news about Dumbledore. I just received another photo from Mas Pujiono. No, not Dumbledore… but Harry Potter. Hehehehe… Don’t take it too serious. :)


6 responses to “Dumbledore is gay. What about Harry Potter?”

  1. gue sih ketawa liat wajah Ron yang aneh gitu. Kek nahan sesuatu, ya…

  2. Hihihi… Iya, tampang si Ron pas banget… ihhihihi. Yang di sebelah kiri Harry kayaknya malah sudah pasang kuda-kuda pertahanan itu.. =))

  3. aku taro di MPku ya, say….

  4. harry’s hand has been photoshopped. i checked… his hand is regularly on his own leg.

  5. jess is telling the truth, you can find yhe original one on google.

  6. i know, my sister thought it was real though. i tried to tell her, but she is to gullible.