Dian Sastrowardoyo joins the blogosphere

Today, Dian Sastrowardoyo — populary known as Dian Sastro — joining the blogosphere by launching a blog. Her blog is powered by WordPress. You can visit her blog at http://blog.diansastrowardoyo.net/. I write a short article about the design process — it’s in Bahasa Indonesia. Okey, welcome to blogosphere!


3 responses to “Dian Sastrowardoyo joins the blogosphere”

  1. Congrats to …. Thomas :)

  2. waw thomas hebat!
    selamat yaaa… :)
    suamigila langsung tergila-gila baca blog dian sastro. kata dia, blog nya bagus… thomas is the best!

  3. Welcome to the REAL WORLD babe ;)