Bloglines will be closed on October 1, 2010

If you use Bloglines, it’s time to move to another RSS reader services/tools. Bloglines will be closed on October 1, 2010. More details about this can be found in a blog post. A little bit background, Bloglines is a web-based RSS reader. It was pretty popular few years ago, and Ask Jeeves acquired this service back in 2005.
If you visit Bloglines homepage, you should see a notification about the closing and also some guides on how to migrate your RSS subscriptions to other service. I have migrated my subscriptions to Google Reader long time ago. Just in case you need to backup your subscription, you can do it now.


3 responses to “Bloglines will be closed on October 1, 2010”

  1. Hi mas,
    I’m currently using Bloglines, and I’m a bit confuse to choose other RSS reader.
    Google Reader seems more confusing than Bloglines.
    Do you have any suggestion for other free RSS reader?
    Thanks in advance

    1. Personally, for the web-based RSS reader, I go with Google Reader. But for desktop version, I think there are a lot of choices. I use NewsNetWire right now, and I’m satisfied with it.

  2. After, now it’s Bloglines’ turn to switch off their services.