Airport Scanners Will Show Genitals (Australia)

A new security scanner being tested in Australia can see through clothing and is being described as a “virtual strip search.”

What’s what the news said (via BuzzFeed). It’s on trial in Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide airports from this month.
From to AOL Australia:

“It does see through clothing, but it’s not a photographic image, it’s a low-energy X-ray that reflects off the skin,” said Cheryl Johnson, general manager of the Office of Transport Security.
“It will show the private parts of people, but what we’ve decided is that we’re not going to blur those out, because it severely limits the detection capabilities. It is possible to see genitals and breasts while they’re going through the machine, though.”
“The faces are automatically blurred and … it’s only a chalk-style outline, it’s not as invasive as some of the other equipment that we’ve got,” she said.