Month: October 2013

  • 37signals' REMOTE is now available

    When I found out that REMOTE was available for pre-order, it didn’t take minutes for me to make a pre-order from Amazon. I have read Getting Real, and it’s inspiring. Or, you probably have read REWORK. And, yesterday I got an email informing that the book is available. Here is how the book is described:…

  • WordPress 3.7 with Background Updates

    WordPress is actively being developed by great developers. I always tried to keep my WordPress installation updated by running update process — which is very easy. But, right now, I want to write down about the latest release. Not that every update provides an improvement, new features, or bug fixes, but this version 3.7 (codename:…

  • Token KeyBCA yang tercuci (kebetulan) tetap baik-baik saja

    Tidak ada yang istimewa siang ini. Dalam cuaca yang cukup panas, dan karena hari libur juga, saya memutuskan untuk melakukan kegiatan mencuci dan bersih-bersih. Saat mencuci, dan giliran mengeringkan baju, kegiatan saya terhenti sejenak melihat sebuah benda berwarna biru. Yak! Token KeyBCA! Duh! Karena kepintaran saya, sempat reflek pertama adalah mencucinya dengan air bersih yang mengalir.…

  • Let's talk about the (new) Yahoo's email service

    Recently, Yahoo redesigned its mail service again. I’ve talked about Yahoo Mail last August. I hoped for an improvements. Recently, on its 16th birthday, Yahoo gives a new look for its mail service. Quoting from a release published at Yahoo’s blog: We redesigned Yahoo Mail to be more efficient, too. Things you do all of…

  • Photon:'s Content Delivery Network

    Dealing with side loads for heavy-traffic website sometime can be painful. But, of course there are some common practice to deal with this kind of situation. For example, you can take advantage of cache system, offload to other service to reduce server load/bandwidth, or using CDN (Content Delivery Network). For WordPress-powered sites, you can take…

  • Pengurusan Kartu ATM BCA karena Salah PIN

    Sepertinya, saya ini terlibat dengan “love-and-hate relationship” dengan Bank BCA. Suka karena memang diberikan kemudahan dengan menjadi nasabahnya, tapi juga kadang sebal dengan urusan entah karena kesalahan yang muncul bukan dari sisi saya sebagai nasabah. Awal bulan ini, saya kembali lagi mendatangi KCU (Kantor Cabang Utama) BCA di Jogjakarta untuk dua urusan. Pertama, mengurus kartu…