Month: July 2009

  • Telkom Speedy Review (first month)

    It has been a month since I started using Telkom Speedy service. So far, I have nothing but positive service. I’m an active internet user and I use internet everyday. I haven’t experienced any connection problem. Few days after I had my internet connection, I had a phone call from Telkom Speedy representative. She asked…

  • Hey, Twitter will gain entry in dictionary?

    Twitter‘s popularity increases very fast among the other microblogging application these days. You already know that in 2004, Merriam-Webster dictionary included the word “blog” as Merriam-Webster’s #1 Word of the Year for 2004. Blog is defined as: [short for Weblog] (1999) : a Web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and…

  • 14th Yogyakarta Gamelan Festival 2009

    Yogyakarta Gamelan Festival (YGF) is an annual music event in Jogjakarta. This year, it’s the 14th festival and has “EVERYWHERE” as the event theme. Anyway, this event is organized by Gayam16. There are many agenda during this event including music performance, exhibition and also workshop from July 16-18. This event also invites musicians from some…

  • 250 Million People Are using Facebook (July 2009)

    Mark Zuckerberg (Wikipedia profile) announced that Facebook has more than 250 million users around the globe. It’s almost the same with the country population. According to a report, Facebook had 200 million users in last April. I’m amazed to see the growth. This is how “250 million users” in a world map. (click to enlarge,…

  • YouTube is about to say goodbye to IE6

    A good news! YouTube will stop its support for old browser — in this case, Internet Explrorer 6. Visitors who visit YouTube website using IE6 will have an alert like this (click to enlarge). Let’s bring IE6 down! (info via TechCrunch)

  • Haikumattic

    I think I like the concept behind new Automattic’s website. The products and descriptions are haiku-powered. This is how they explain about service: Hassle-free blogging Even with your own domain Freemium model About Akismet: Remember the days Innocent inboxes gleam Be spam-free again. For complele list, go to Automattic’s site.

  • We Choose the Moon

    We Choose the Moon — Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 Lunar Landing. Flash plugin required. (via kottke)

  • Pembayaran Tagihan Telkom Speedy Melalui ATM BCA

    Dua hari yang lalu saya berencana untuk membayar tunggakan tagihan koneksi internet Telkom Speedy melalui ATM. Memang ini baru kali pertama saya melakukan pembayaran Telkom Speedy, karena memang baru sekitar 1 bulan menggunakannya. Untuk masalah kualitas akses internet, saya belum menemukan kendala yang berarti. Paling tidak, kuota saya sudah hampir habis untuk bulan Juli ini.…

  • Berkas Rekaman Audio Debat Capres dan Cawapres Pemilu 2009

    Hari pemilihan presiden dan wakil presiden Pemilu 2009 sudah berlangsung beberapa hari yang lalu. Saya akhirnya memutuskan juga untuk menggunakan hak suara saya. Bagi saya, ini pertama kalinya saya menggunakan hak pilih saya. Yang pemilu legislatif kemarin saya putuskan untuk tidak ikut memilih. Karena tidak tahu siapa yang harus saya pilih. Nah, kebetulan dalam rangkaian…

  • VisualMelancholy

    VisualMelancholy — a photoblog of Firman Firdaus; an editor, designer, and blogger at Daustralala. I love big pictures! :)