Month: June 2009

  • Wibiya Toolbar for your website

    Few days ago, I installed a toolbar in this site (see footer). It’s a hosted toolbar service from Wibiya. I was not sure whether I really need that or not, but because I got invite to try the service — after asking for invite — I decided to try it. Go display the toolbar, we…

  • Become a Gmail Ninja

    Become a Gmail Ninja — Learn tips and tricks to save time, increase your productivity, and manage your email efficiently. Start with the tips that are right for you, based on how much email you get each day.

  • Firefox 3.5 Features

    Some useful features shipped in Firefox 3.5.

  • Do you check your email spam folder?

    For the email service, I use Gmail and Yahoo! Mail. I almost never got any problem with them. Because they did great job filtering the email spams, I almost never checked my email spam folder. If they’re spams, why bother checking the spam folder? But, I sometime check the spam/junk folder. Reading the email subjects…

  • Pertanyaan untuk capres dan cawapres

    Setelah melihat dan mendengarkan acara debat pertama para calon presiden untuk pemilu presiden mendatang, saya jadi punya pertanyaan untuk masing-masing capres (dan mungkin cawapres). Pertanyaannya adalah: “Bagaimana menurut Anda (capres dan cawapres), kelebihan yang dimiliki oleh capres dan cawapres lainnya?”. Ya, mungkin ini pertanyaan yang sangat kecil kemungkinannya untuk dilontarkan. Tapi, jujur saja saya penasaran…

  • Boediono Mendengar (di Jogjakarta) Tanpa Boediono

    Minggu kemarin, saya memutuskan untuk datang di acara Boediono Mendengar di Jogjakarta. Saya datang ke acara ini setelah tahu informasi dari blog Ndoro Kakung. Informasi awalnya, acara yang bertajuk Boediono Mendengar – Kopdar Netter, akan berlangsung Joglo Melati, daerah Sleman. Namun, informasi terakhir katanya tempat acara diubah ke Angkringan Yayasan Umar Kayak (YUK). Alasan pemindahan…

  • Now with more photos. And they're bigger

    When I knew about The Big Pictures, I told myself that I wanted to have one too. A place where I display some photos I took. A dedicated photoblog came into my mind. I know that it’s something I can create, technically.

  • Unable to locate WordPress Plugin directory

    I just made a fresh install of WordPress 2.8. As usual, the installatoin process was simple and straight forward. After doing some configurations, I wanted to install some plugins directly using the automatic installer from dashboard. But, I had a problem. After filling in the FTP information, my WordPress gave me this message: Unable to…

  • Twittering and hugging

    Twittering is like hugging. Just because it’s hard to measure the return on investment doesn’t mean there isn’t value there. @zappos

  • Being The Next

    Don’t try to be the ‘next’. Instead, try to be the other, the changer, the new. Seth Godin

  • Telkom Speedy

    Finally, I have a chance to try my new internet connection. I’m using Telkom Speedy’s Multi Speed package. Actually, I’m satisfied with my current provider. I decided to get another internet connection so that my sister can get her own connection, from her own room. My current provider does not allow me to share the…

  • Bahasa dan Rasa

    “…bahasa itu cuma masalah rasa. Yang tersirat tidak selalu yang tersurat, tapi carilah yang tersirat itu melalu yang tersurat. Rasakan makna dari email Ibu Prita, saya yakin RSOI bisa merasakannya.” — Ruth Wijaya, tentang Ibu Prita Mulyasari dan RS Omni Internasional.

  • Few Things about Facebook Usernames

    Facebook introduces Facebook Usernames. And, now it’s available for public. Now, we can create a personalized and easier-to-remember web address for our Facebook profile page. For those who like ‘shorter is better’ in URL, this should be interesting. Facebook explains: Your new Facebook URL is like your personal destination, or home, on the Web. People…