Month: May 2009

  • Perang argumen dan komentar seputar Pemilu

    Menjelang pelaksanaan Pemilihan Presiden Juli mendatang, semakin banyak komentar dan perang argumen diantara politisi. Ya, sudah sejak pemilu legislatif yang lalu juga. Atau, diluar periode itupun, terkait dengan pemerintahan, sudah sering terjadi seperti ini. Sepertinya, argumentasi dengan merendahkan, menjelekkan dan mencari kekurangan orang lain (terutama pesaing) sudah menjadi hal yang lumrah. Menjadi sesuatu yang wajar.…

  • WordPress 2.8's Syntax Highlighting

    I just tried WordPress 2.8 Beta 1. The upcoming version will offers many new features. So far, the syntax highlighting is a great addition. It is available on theme and plugin editor pages.

  • Videoblogs from Indonesia

    I’ve started my videoblog at If you want to find out other videoblogs from Indonesia (made by Indonesians), here are some of them.

  • FlickrSync

    Not sure whether this application is right for me or not. It’s called FlickrSync. FlickrSync is a freeware photo synchronization application for flickr users. It displays your local folders and your flickr sets and it can establish synchronization rules between them. This way you can manage all your photos locally and FlickrSync will keep them…

  • Bigger HD Video File Size Limit (Flickr)

    Flickr already supports HD Videos. Another good new for Flickr Pro users: Flickr raised the video filesize limit! We can now upload upto 500 MB of video file — previously, the limit was 150 MB). Yay!